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Email Updates

21 November 2024   Beadnell Under Threat - The Landing to be ‘top-hatted’
Dear BUT supporters,
A new application to expand The Landing is to be discussed at the next Beadnell Parish Council meeting at 6pm on Wednesday 27 November 2024.

[24/03861/FUL] Single storey extension, roof terrace and exterior decking expansion to Café building (The Landing)


Prior to the temporary permission (for four years) granted to the original ‘Landing’ application [22/00557/FUL]


Permission (now expired on 19 November 2024) had been granted for a permanent two-storey café building including a roof terrace on the site behind the present construction [21/01980/FUL]

In light of this precedent, it is likely that the new proposed expansion with its roof terrace will be granted long-term approval, as requested. 

It is worth noting, as quoted on page 4 of the Design and Access Statement, that “a  separate application for 8no. eco-pods, 4no. timber-framed cabins and 3no. enterprise kiosks was submitted (and granted permission - ed.) in May 2023, ref. [23/01710/FUL] but is outside the proposals submitted here for consideration. These proposals are shown within the ‘existing’ site ownership boundary for context but are not yet implemented.”

Questions may arise about the loss of the promised children’s play area in [21/01980/FUL] and the allocation of parking facilities within the wider site.

General link to Planning Portal to reference applications:

If you have trouble logging on via the Planning Portal, email your objections, quoting Application reference, name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to: 
Best wishes,
Andrew (Andy) Brown

21 October 2024    Beadnell Under Threat - Updates and Local Issues


Dear BUT supporters,


For attachments email


1..“Safety at Swinhoe” petition progress report

2.Chathill Railway Action Group (CRAG) newsletter + attachment

3.New 918 Bus Service Chathill Station to Belford via Beadnell + attachment

4.Beadnell Parish Council Consultation Day + attachment

5.Beadnell Christmas Lights Switch-on

6.The Extra Two in Bernicia Way

7.Three houses in the Loop of the Kilns’ Access Road

8.“The Kilns” update on sales

9.The Wetlands Pond at Bernicia Way


1.“Safety at Swinhoe” petition progress report:

NCC Highways have promised to report back with actions/options for the Local Transport Plan 2025/6 by the end of October. John Rhind is continuing to keep up the pressure on behalf of the 1000 petitioners.


2. Chathill Railway Action Group (CRAG) newsletter - see attachment.


3. New 918 Bus Service - see attachment for timetable.


4. Beadnell Parish Council Consultation Day:

W.I. Hall, Meadow Lane, Beadnell on Saturday 26 October between 1pm & 4pmTo discuss Parking (Neighbourhood Plan Review) and New Equipment for the Meadow Lane Playground - have your say - see attachment for details.


5.Beadnell Christmas Lights Switch-on Saturday 7 December after St Ebba’s church service at 6pm.


6.The Extra Two in Bernicia Way [24/00672/FUL] - No decision as yet after Chair Referral Report on 26 July.


7.Three houses in the Loop of the “Kilns” Access Road [23/03957/VARYCO] - permission has expired from original application [21/00126/FUL]. New application will therefore be required.


8.The “Kilns” update on sales - still nine out of the 39 to be sold.


9. The Wetlands Pond at Bernicia Way - water is back at its very high level despite four days of pumping into the sea last April. ‘Tankering’ may once again be required.


General link to Planning Portal to reference applications:

If you have trouble logging on via the Planning Portal, email your objections, quoting Application reference, name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to:


Best wishes,

Andrew (Andy) Brown

16 Apr 2024   Beadnell Under Threat - Petitions and Developments
1.“Use of extra Council Tax charge on Second Homes” - new petition
Jen Hall, a Beadnell resident, would like your help:
“In 2025 Northumberland County Council will double the Council Tax charge for Second Homes. Whilst we welcome this, we ask that the additional income is strictly ring-fenced and spent in the areas with high levels of Second Homes. And that these residents decide the use of this money, such as building more affordable housing to rent or buy and improving the sustainability of local communities.”
(Wales, who have been charging Second homes double Council Tax since 2017, found the increase did not work until the money was targeted in the areas with the highest number of Second and Holiday homes.)
If you think this additional money should be used to benefit the villages which have the most Second homes, such as Beadnell, please sign the petition on NCC’s website.
Anyone, of any age,  who lives, works, studies or “uses services in Northumberland”, can sign the petition. 
This is the electronic link to sign the e-petition:


2.“Safety at Swinhoe” petition progress report
John Rhind spoke at Committee; councillors listened and supported; the Press reported...
“Highly dangerous junction…major tourist route…early action and press for priority to work on realigning the junction…initial £20,000 from Highways…the 1000 petitioners will not be satisfied until they see the realigned junction taking shape…” Result - Action is to be taken and a progress report is due at the next committee meeting at Wooler in May.


3.The Extra Two in Bernicia Way
[24/00672/FUL] Erection of 2no. residential dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure | Land East Of 21 Bernicia Way Bernicia Way Beadnell
New full application for two extra large houses, one four-bed and one five-bed all en-suite, is ongoing. Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone next to the Wetlands Pond at the rear of the holiday estate with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL].
19 objections with none in support so far!
Link to [24/00672/FUL] to log an objection:


4.Three houses in the Loop of the Kilns’ access road [23/03957/VARYCO]

Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 6 (Drainage) pursuant to planning permission [21/00126/FUL] to allow changes to the house types and materiality of the permission granted and amendment to the drainage design | Land South Of 30 Swinhoe Road Swinhoe Road Beadnell.
This application is still open for objections to over-development of site with three large four-bed “primary residence” dwellings crammed on to the site. Owing to pressure of the five objections and the adverse consultee document from the Northumberland Coast National landscape (AONB), dated 18 Dec 2023, recent amended plans may be slightly less stark and barn-like, but…..still do not fit!


5.“The Kilns” update on sales etc.
Sales at the Northumberland Estates’ “primary residence” estate The Kilns have stalled since November. Only 14 of the 39 have been sold and no less than nine others have been sold and made available again. With all dwellings built, post-construction works are proceeding such as hedging, fencing and tarmacking.


6.‘The Landing’ granted permission at Committee:
[23/01710/FUL] Erection of a single storey side extension clad in larch as well as 8no. eco-pods embedded within the ground covered with coastal grass species. 4no. single storey double timber-frame cabins and 3no. timber enterprise kiosks and associated car park facility with associated and external ground works. (amended description 14.11.23)


7.NWL has been pumping excess surface water from the Bernicia Way Wetlands Pond through a five-inch pipe across the beach road, over the dunes and into the sea for the past two days instead of ‘tankering’ to Seahouses. The immediate plan is to lower the level of pond water to a safe level for the summer months. We await news of their long-term plan which will require new infrastructure. An update is due in June.


General link to Planning Portal to reference applications:

If you have trouble logging on via the Planning Portal, email your objections, quoting Application reference, name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to: 

14 March 2024   Beadnell Under Threat - More Developments in Beadnell…..

  1. Another shot at the Extra Two in Bernicia Way

  2. NWL drop-in meeting about drainage problems

  3. The Landing at Committee

  4. Three houses in the Loop of the Kilns’ access road

  5. The Kilns update on sales etc.

  6. ‘On The Beach’ appeal

  7. “Safety at Swinhoe” petition


1. Another shot at the Extra Two in Bernicia Way

[24/00672/FUL] Erection of 2no. residential dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure | Land East Of 21 Bernicia Way Bernicia Way Beadnell Northumberland

New full application for two extra large houses, one four-bed and one five-bed all en-suite, has been lodged. Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone next to the Wetlands Pond at the rear of the holiday estate with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL].

Wednesday 27 March - Beadnell Parish Council meeting 6pm - application to be discussed, comments in person or sent to the clerk allowed

Link to [24/00672/FUL] to log an objection:


2. NWL drop-in meeting about drainage problems - all welcome

Monday 18 March 2024 5-6pm The Landing

Adam from NWL will be explaining plans to end the ‘tankering’ of excess surface water to relieve frequent flooding from the Wetlands, both a temporary arrangement and a more permanent solution.


3.The Landing at Committee

Thursday 21 March 2024 2pm at Berwick Leisure Centre TD15 2AS

[23/01710/FUL] Erection of a single storey side extension clad in larch as well as 8no. eco-pods embedded within the ground covered with coastal grass species. 4no. single storey double timber-frame cabins and 3no. timber enterprise kiosks and associated car park facility with associated and external ground works. (amended description 14.11.23) | The Landing Benthall Beadnell Chathill Northumberland NE67 5FD

The Local Area (North Northumberland) Planning committee will be hearing the case for The Landing expansion. Beadnell Parish Council will be speaking against the proposals.

Link for the Case Officer’s report (unavailable on the Planning Portal) on page 11:


4. [23/03957/VARYCO] Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 6 (Drainage) pursuant to planning permission 21/00126/FUL to allow changes to the house types and materiality of the permission granted and amendment to the drainage design | Land South Of 30 Swinhoe Road Swinhoe Road Beadnell Northumberland

This application is still open for objections to over-development of site with three large four-bed stark barn-like primary residence dwellings crammed on to the site.


5.The Kilns update on sales etc.

Sales at the Northumberland Estates’ primary residence estate The Kilns have stalled since November. Only 14 of the 39 have been sold and no less than nine have been sold and made available again. With all dwellings built, post-construction works are proceeding such as hedging, fencing and tarmacking.


6. ‘On The Beach’ appeal

[21/04346/FUL] Replace existing building (3no flats/14 no bed sit spaces) with 3no detached houses with 18 bed spaces to be used as holiday accommodation (as amended 20th April 2023) | On The Beach Harbour Road Beadnell NE67 5AN

After permission was refused by Committee, the subsequent appeal was successful.


7. “Safety at Swinhoe” petition

Thursday 28 March 2024 6pm at the Adult Learning Centre, Lindisfarne Road, Alnwick NE66 1AX

John Rhind has been working indefatigably to persuade all concerned that a roundabout should be the preferred option at the infamous Swinhoe Crossroads to slow traffic and aid all-round visibility. Backed up by 1000+ signatories, multiple press releases and FOI requests, John will have five minutes to address the assembled councillors and persuade them to act in the interests of the whole community. Be there to support him, if you can.


General link to Planning Portal to reference applications:


If you have trouble logging on via the Planning Portal, email your objections, quoting Application reference, name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to: 

As usual, details about how to log or post an objection can be found on our website.



23 November 2023   Beadnell Under Threat - SAFETY AT SWINHOE e-petition - final week

Final week to sign the SAFETY AT SWINHOE e-petition (less than two minutes). Anyone may sign provided they “Use services in Northumberland”. Target 1000 signatories (at present 900+).

***“What am I signing up for?” 
Link to the web page - Get involved with the Council > Petition Information > View current e-petitions - Click
on “Safety at Swinhoe”: 

***Anne-MarieTrevelyan, our local MP, voiced her full support for a roundabout at a site meeting with Highways Officers last Friday.


Northumberland Gazette articles, dated 07/08/23, 21/08/23, 27/09/23,  08/11/23 written by Ian Smith:

***Everyone who regularly uses the junction knows that the only real solution is to realign the road to create a mini roundabout at the junction to improve visibility. 
John Rhind, Beadnell Resident and former Parish Councillor,
Meadow Lane, Beadnell NE67 5AR


Other updates:
1.“The Loop” [23/03957/VARYCO] Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 6 (Drainage) pursuant to planning permission [21/00126/FUL] to allow changes to the house types and materiality of the permission granted and amendment to the drainage design | Land South Of 30 Swinhoe Road Swinhoe Road Beadnell.
Northumberland Estates seek to enlarge the three properties from three- to four-bed units. Beadnell Parish Council voted unanimously to object on the grounds of the massing within the site, their overbearing, stark appearance dominated by tarred cladding and the preponderance of 32 rooflights in a dark skies zone. In its position at the entrance to the village this proposal would look out of place in the context of Swinhoe Road properties within the AONB (now to be referred to as the Northumberland Coast National Landscape) and the Beadnell Conservation Area.
Link for objections:


2.‘The Landing’ [22/00557/FUL] Following an Officer-recommended refusal in a Chair Referral document, the applicant has put forward an amended plan with a minor reduction of four (previously five) single storey double timber-frame “holiday cabins” and three (previously five) timber “enterprise kiosks”. With the eight “eco pods” remaining, there will still be 16 residential units (previously 18). The single storey side extension to the restaurant, already built without planning permission and now part of the present application, is expecting retrospective permission.


3.‘On The Beach’ [21/04346/FUL] at the northern entrance to the village, which was refused planning permission at Committee, is awaiting a verdict in the subsequent appeal.


4.The Kilns (45-house estate on Beadnell Green) - development almost complete with only 14 sold of the 39 available for sale, six being reserved for affordable rent. Sales of the “primary residence” dwellings have been stalling, as in September 18 had been designated as sold.

10 Aug 2023   Beadnell Under Threat - SAFETY AT SWINHOE e-petition

Please sign the SAFETY AT SWINHOE e-petition (less than two minutes):

***“What am I signing up for?” 

A link to the web page - Get involved with the Council > Petition Information > View current e-petitions - Click on “Safety at Swinhoe”

Please note that the petition must receive 50 qualifying signatures for a report to be produced for a meeting of the Local Area Council. At present, there are 62 signatories and counting.....


Northumberland Gazette article, dated online 07/08/23, written by Ian Smith this week:


***Press Release

News Story - Safety at Swinhoe. A campaign to make the crossroads at Swinhoe safe

From: John Rhind, Beadnell Resident and former Parish Councillor


How many “minor accidents” does it take to qualify as an accident black spot (the only entry to Beadnell from the South and West as part of the Northumberland Coastal route)?


At 8.00 am on the 23rd March this year, two cars collided at Swinhoe crossroads a mile west of Beadnell. The driver of one vehicle escaped with two cracked ribs, The car was written off. During 2022 four similar collisions requiring the attendance of emergency services occurred at the same location. The repairs to adjacent stone walls tell their own story.

During  the past 16 months Beadnell Parish Council has urged Northumberland Highways Department to improve the safety of this now notorious junction.  Meetings and exchanges of emails resulted in the Highways Department agreeing to carry out a study of the location. The study concluded that a revamp of road signs and road markings was an adequate response.

This revamp will not remove the cause of the accidents. These stem from the restricted visibility due to the buildings at the site. These buildings drastically reduce the view of drivers turning right from Embleton on the northbound B1340. As a resul, drivers are unable to see, often fast moving, vehicles approaching the junction over summit of the aptly named “ Beadnell Straight”.

The recent increase in tourists with drivers who are unfamiliar with the area and driving larger and faster cars, only serves to heighten the risk.


***Everyone who regularly uses the junction knows that the only real solution is to realign the road to create a mini roundabout at the junction to improve visibility. 


***What will it take for Northumberland County Council to do what is required to prevent lifechanging injuries - or worse - occurring this summer and beyond”?


***It is easy to get public and press support for campaigns like this in the aftermath of a tragic accident. You can make sure all the people you care about will be sitting at the table in future Christmases.


Notes for Editors:

NCC  Highways Department have :-

1. Declined to monitor traffic flows at the junction and have no data on volumes

2. Ignored requests for solar powered speed warning signs to be erected

3. Refused to comment on the possibility of re-prioritising the traffic flow to give the B1340 priority at the junction

4. Ignored requests to investigate the use of high technology mirrors that do not dazzle drivers or distort distance and speeds. Refused to give any indication of what is considered an accident threshold at the location

5. Refused to erect any sort of warning sign eg. Danger/Accident Black Spot that would alert drivers

6. Drivers arriving from the south are signposted to leave the A1 at South Charlton and therefore arrive at the blind junction

7. In the past, the County Council Highways Department has erected conflicting road signs on the approach to the junction

8. Swinhoe Crossroads is part of the official diversion route in the event of the partial closure of the A1 trunk road

9. The site is regularly used to display unofficial and distracting notices

John Rhind, Meadow Lane, Beadnell NE67 5AR


20 May 2023   OTT Holiday Cabins Development at Beach

No less than 18 residential units, denoted as “holiday cabins” and “eco pods”, and five commercial kiosks are proposed on the site where permission was granted for a single-storey Café/Restaurant + 55 parking places in 2021 [21/01980/FUL]. Since then a temporary four-year licence from September 2022 has been granted for The Landing, a larch-clad shipping container, to serve as a café/restaurant [22/00557/FUL] along with the retention of the 55 parking places. Recently, a single storey side extension was built without planning permission which is now part of the present application, therefore expecting retrospective permission.


Beadnell Parish Council are to discuss the new application as Item 16 at their meeting next Wednesday 24th May at 6.05pm.
[23/01710/FUL] Erection of a single storey side extension clad in larch as well as 8no. eco-pods embedded within the ground covered with coastal grass species. 5no. single storey double timber-frame cabins and 5no. timber enterprise kiosks and associated car park facility with associated and external ground works. | The Landing Benthall Beadnell Chathill Northumberland NE67 5FD

Objection points:
Drainage/Sewerage - the site has a history of problems to the extent that there has been an ongoing ‘tankering’ of excess surface water by Northumbrian Water (NWL) for the past three years and reports of sewage backing up within the Bernicia Way Estate. I set up a customer care complaint on 29/08/19 with NWL which is still to be resolved with an upgrade to the infrastructure system in due course….to obviate the need for the present stop-gap ‘tankering’.
A surfeit of holiday accommodation in relation to the infrastructure of the village - in April 2023 a proposed extension to the camping and caravanning club site to the north of Beadnell was refused owing to its scale: “The proposed development would not represent a small-scale extension to the existing caravan site and would therefore be contrary to Policy 25 of the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan.” [20/01002/COU]

A brief history about this whole field lying to the north of the Beach Car Park:
In 2009 permission was granted to Northumberland Estates to build 40 holiday homes along with a visitor and water sports centre, a car park and recreational facilities [N/09/B/0391]. By 2017 the 40 holiday homes had been built by Lindisfarne Homes along with a tennis court  to become Bernicia Way (formerly known as Beadnell Point).
In 2019 permission was granted to Northumberland Estates to build a two-storey  café/restaurant along with 64 car parking places [18/03822/FUL].
In 2019 permission was also granted to Northumberland Estates to build an extra two homes, restricted to “primary residence” status according to North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan Policy 14, east of 21 Bernicia Way despite the site of the two plots being designated as an “essential ecological buffer zone” protected specifically by Clause 25 of the signed section 106 Agreement. Now sold on, these two extra homes are the subject of an ongoing application to enlarge both units to unacceptable proportions which would cause an imbalance within this award-winning “New England” estate [21/01757/VARYCO]


1.‘On The Beach’ [21/04346/FUL] at the entrance to the village has been refused permission at Committee because:
“The proposed units would not enhance and reinforce the local distinctiveness of the conservation area and would not integrate with the surrounding built environment by virtue of their density, vertical emphasis of the design and the uniformity of the appearance. This is contrary to Local Plan policies QOP 1, QOP 2 and ENV 9 subsection 'c', and the management recommendations within the Beadnell Conservation Area Character Appraisal.
“The identified harm is less than substantial, however is has not been demonstrated that the public benefit outweighs the harm presented by the proposal. The application is not consistent with paragraph 202 of the NPPF.”

2.The Kilns (45-house estate on Beadnell Green) - first phase of development complete with only nine sold of the 39 available for sale, six being reserved for affordable rent.

Link to Planning Portal to reference applications:

If you have trouble logging on via the Planning Portal, email your objections, quoting Application reference, name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to: 
As usual, details about how to log or post an objection can be found elsewhere on our website.


20 Jan 2023   Beadnell Under Threat - Bernicia Way, here we go again!
Dear BUT supporters,
Wednesday 25 January - Beadnell Parish Council meeting 6pm - 7pm
Item 10: [21/01757/VARYCO]- Variation of condition 2 on approved application 18/01036/FUL in order to amend the design and internal layout of each property- Land East Of 21 Bernicia Way Bernicia Way Beadnell Northumberland

Extra Two at Bernicia Way [21/01757/VARYCO]- Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL]. The new applicant [21/01757/VARYCO] seeks to “vary” condition 2 with a third “amended” plan, adding a fourth bedroom to the ground floor of Unit 1 and enlarge Unit 2 to a much more substantial property with five bedrooms on the first floor, a totally inappropriate proposal.

History of Unit 2:
1.28 May 2021 (date of the application) enlarged footprint with four en-suite bedrooms.
2.09 September 2021 even larger footprint  with six en-suite bedrooms.
3.09 November 2021 slight reduction in footprint with five en-suite bedrooms.
4.Finally, as no favourable decision has been forthcoming, 03 January 2023 a second slight reduction to five bedrooms, three being en-suite - still much larger than the original permitted development!

Such machinations smack of desperation to force through the largest possible units on what was considered by Lindisfarne Homes, the estate contractor, as uneconomic in the light of the ‘primary residence’ condition by way of an S106 agreement. 

At present, both the AONB Partnership and Beadnell Parish Council have objected and Highways have objections, particularly in view of Plot 1 having only two parking places, rather than the three required for a four-bedroom dwelling.
The material planning issues are non-accordance with the character, context and appearance of the surrounding area, as enforced by the appeal inspector of a previous application to extend a balcony at No 27 and Policy 5 (Design in New Development) of The North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan and concerns that increasing the scale of the development would exacerbate well-documented drainage problems. In short, the rights of estate residents should be respected.





22 Dec 2022   Beadnell Under Threat - The Kilns on view + updates
The Kilns 45-house estate for “principal occupancy only” will be open for a public viewing of the first phase on Friday 30th December 2022.
Bradley Hall (Alnwick Estate Agents) will be hosting the Open Day with mulled wine and mince pies between 10am and 4pm.

Prices have continued to rise owing to demand. For example, the Edwin 4-bed detached on plot 6 started at £395,000, rose to £515,000 in Feb 2022 and is now £570,000. Top-priced Oswald 4-bed detached at £690,000 is part of the second phase.


1. Extra Two at Bernicia Way [21/01757/VARYCO] - Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL]. The new applicant [21/01757/VARYCO] seeks to add a fourth bedroom to the ground floor of Unit 1 and enlarge Unit 2 to a much more substantial property with five bedrooms on the first floor, a totally inappropriate proposal. At present, no decision has been given despite the planners’ stated deadline of 22/07/22. 
2. Amended plans for ‘On The Beach’ [21/04346/FUL] at the entrance to the village have been lodged on 22nd September 2022 - still “ Too High, Too Big, Too Crowded” - three two-storey units for eighteen occupants.
3. Restaurant/Café at the beach car park [22/00557/FUL] - Permission for a 4-year temporary licence has been granted to “The Landing” which opened for business during the summer. There had been no objections logged.



16 July 2022   Beadnell Under Threat - Planning - A date for your diary
As promised, Rob Murfin, Head of NCC Planning, will be revisiting Beadnell to give a training session.
Please take this opportunity to come and learn about the planning process.
WI Hall 6.30-7.30 pm Wednesday 3rd August 2022


29 April 2022   Beadnell Under Threat - Head of NCC Planning to visit Beadnell + updates

Rob Murfin, Head of NCC Planning, will be visiting Beadnell to field questions, explain planning decisions and give guidance on planning issues. The meeting, arranged in answer to the petition that was submitted by Beadnell residents highlighting some questionable planning consents granted within the village, will be chaired by Guy Renner-Thompson, our Ward Councillor. This is your chance to have your say.
WI Hall 6.30-8.00 pm Wednesday 11th May 2022


Updates on ongoing planning applications:
1.Development of The Kilns 45-house estate, restricted to “principal residence”, being built by Cussins on behalf of Northumberland Estates, is now well under way. The six ‘affordable for rent’ and the three ‘affordable to buy’ near the entrance to the estate are due to be completed by August 2022. All prices have been raised in view of the extreme demand - up to eighty applicants for each unit! Bradley Hall, Alnwick, are in charge of sales. Full completion of the site is scheduled for August 2023.  Ref: [16/01688/OUT], [19/04801/VARYCO], [19/04867/REM], [20/02607/DISCON], [20/02608/DISCON], [20/04154/S106A] [20/04325/DISCON].
2.The three in the loop to the south of 30 Swinhoe Road are likely to be sold on with planning consent by Northumberland Estates [21/00126/FUL]
3.Development of the Restaurant/Café at the beach car park [21/01980/FUL] has been postponed pending a viability study. A new application (February 2022) for a one-storey-four-shipping-container construction at the entrance to the site has been lodged [22/00557/FUL | Temporary 4 year permission sought for a single storey food retail unit]. So far there have been no public comments made but there are objections from HDM (Highways Development Management) and LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority).
4.Amended plans for the ‘extra two’ being squeezed into Bernicia Way (formerly Beadnell Point) [21/01757/VARYCO]. The decision has now been postponed for the third time to 20th May 2022. Further details can be found in my last email update of 27th November 2021.
5.Application for ‘On The Beach’ at the entrance to the village [21/04346/FUL] - the January deadline for decision has been passed. The Beadnell Parish Council, the AONB Partnership and The Conservation Officer are against this particular development, though the latter two have stated that some kind of building more sympathetic to its position at the entrance to the village would be supported. Further details can be found in my last email update of 27th November 2021.

27 November 2021   Beadnell Under Threat   Update on Developments
Dear BUT supporters,
Four updates:
1.The Kilns 45-house estate being built by Northumberland Estates
2.The three in the loop to the south of 30 Swinhoe Road to be built by Northumberland Estates
3.The Restaurant/Café at the beach car park
4.New amended plans for the ‘extra two’ being squeezed into Bernicia Way (formerly Beadnell Point)
5.New application for ‘On The Beach’ at the entrance to the village


1.The Kilns 45-house estate. No activity on site at present. Kapex, the original contractor for the groundworks is in administration. MHG, who took over, has finished the groundworks. Cussins has been contracted to build the houses and is due to start in December for completion in 18 months. Ref: [16/01688/OUT], [19/04801/VARYCO], [19/04867/REM], [20/02607/DISCON], [20/02608/DISCON], [20/04154/S106A] [20/04325/DISCON]

2.The three in the loop to the south of 30 Swinhoe Road to be built by Northumberland Estates have been granted planning consent [21/00126/FUL]

3.The Restaurant/Café at the beach car park has been granted planning consent [21/01980/FUL]

4.Extra Two at Bernicia Way
Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL]. The new applicant [21/01757/VARYCO] seeks to add a fourth bedroom to the ground floor of Unit 1 and enlarge Unit 2 to a much more substantial property with five bedrooms on the first floor, a totally inappropriate proposal. 
Both dwellings would have all bedrooms en-suite with extra showers and laundry/wet rooms on the ground floor, thereby exacerbating well-documented existing problems with sewage and drainage.
To satisfy planning regulations, each unit would need at least three car parking spaces rather than the two in the plan. 
If permitted, the symmetry and cohesion of the award-winning Bernicia Way holiday development would be adversely affected. As a result, other owners may look to extend accordingly, thereby setting an unwelcome precedent.
History: In 2018 an application [18/03779/FUL]  for a proposed balcony extension at No 27 Bernicia Way was refused planning consent. The AONB Partnership stated, “There is a clear identifiable design concept and additional features such as balcony extensions, other additions and boundary treatments need to be resisted”. In the subsequent appeal the judge upheld the planning decision to refuse permission stating, “The appeal is dismissed. The main issue arising in the appeal is the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area. For the above reasons the proposed development would be an incongruous addition to the property that would fail to accord with the development plan for the area.”
Apart from the destruction of the single-track estate road by construction traffic and the additional drainage problems, two major points can be emphasised in addition to planning points raised in objection, namely Policy 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure ‘principal residency’ and the installation of the Off-site Ecology Mitigation Zone to replace the loss of the essential Buffer Zone next to the wetlands pond, where the two units are to be built.
Both the Beadnell Parish Council and the AONB Partnership have objected to this amended proposal.
Link to log an objection:

I also draw your attention to an online petition that will add further pressure to the application being refused permission:

5.New application for ‘On The Beach’[21/04346/FUL]
Still “ Too High, Too Big, Too Crowded“? The new application shows a reduction from four detached houses to three on the site of one main building and a chalet. The scale, mass and density is still too much on this sensitive coastal location at the gateway to the village. Too little space within the curtilage has been allowed for adequate car parking. There is also the question whether the proposed re-build should include a “principal residence” restriction imposed on at least one of the dwellings in accordance with Policy 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan aimed at reducing the preponderance of second homes/holiday lets. 
The Beadnell Parish Council has objected unanimously to this application.
Link to log an objection:


26 June 2021   Beadnell Under Threat   Beach Café/Restaurant/Bar Take Three…


The developer has now downgraded his application to a single storey building with roof terrace sitting/dining and viewing area. Gone are the pitched roof, the lift, the fire-pit and the seven staff car parking places.

Link to log an objection:


If you have trouble logging on to the Planning Department, email your objections, quoting Application [21/01980/FUL], name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to: 

In other news: Northumberland Estates has been all but granted planning consent for three detached one-and-a-half storey “principal residence” dwellings at the bottom of Swinhoe Road within the ‘Loop’ to the south [21/00126/FUL], according to the Virtual Delegated Report, dated 15th June, “Officer opinion is that the proposal is acceptable in principle.”  Preparations are already under way on the site, including a detention basin and swale for drainage, as part of the development of the 45-house Kilns Estate, which is also reserved for “principal residence”.

14th June 2021   Beadnell Under Threat   Bernicia “Way Two Big”!


Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL]. The new applicant [21/01757/VARYCO] seeks to add a fourth bedroom to the ground floor of Unit 1 and enlarge Unit 2 to a much more substantial property with four bedrooms on the first floor, a totally inappropriate proposal. To satisfy planning regulations, each unit would need at least three car parking spaces rather than the two in the plan. If permitted, the symmetry and cohesion of the award-winning Bernicia Way holiday development would be adversely affected. As a result, other owners may look to extend accordingly, thereby setting an unwelcome precedent.

History: In 2018 an application [18/03779/FUL]  for a proposed balcony extension at No 27 Bernicia Way was refused planning consent. The AONB Partnership stated, “There is a clear identifiable design concept and additional features such as balcony extensions, other additions and boundary treatments need to be resisted”. In the subsequent appeal the judge upheld the planning decision to refuse permission stating, “The appeal is dismissed. The main issue arising in the appeal is the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area. For the above reasons the proposed development would be an incongruous addition to the property that would fail to accord with the development plan for the area.”

Apart from the destruction of the single-track estate road by construction traffic, two major points need to be emphasised in addition to planning points raised in objection:
1.The new applicant must adhere to the Section 106 Agreement (signed and dated 08 Nov 2018) Clause 4 condition to uphold Policy 14 of the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan, namely that any new-build be restricted to “principal residence” only in perpetuity.

2.To replace the loss of the essential Buffer Zone next to the wetlands pond, where the two units are to be built, the agreed S106 Clause 6 condition, Off-site Ecology Mitigation Zone must be installed to the West in the Northumberland Estates’ field.


Link to log an objection:
21/01757/VARYCO | Variation of condition 2 on approved application 18/01036/FUL in order to amend the design and internal layout of each property. | Land East Of 21 Bernicia Way Bernicia Way Beadnell Northumberland




14 May 2021   Beadnell Under Threat    On the road to nowhere………


Access Road to The Kilns (45-home development by Northumberland Estates) unfinished! No building works since Easter! Kapex, the chosen contractor, must be suffering a cash-flow problem. All building on hold until June or July!

Now, some better news. The sales team at Bradley Hall, the Alnwick Estate Agent, is enforcing the “principal residence” restriction. All 45 homes have multiple prospective purchasers listed. Only ten homes have prices quoted, of which three are reserved as “affordable”. Phase One also includes six homes to be reserved as “affordable for rent”. At present, all sales have been put on hold until development restarts, when details of prospective purchasers to prove “principal residence” and deposits will be taken. “Our reputation is on the line”.

N.B. Last chance to object to the six-metre-high street lights that would snake along the access road. 
Should this proposal be adopted, the line of tall street lights would be an ugly scar visible from the dunes, caravan sites, harbour and even Low Newton. A blot on the landscape of the AONB, Beadnell Conservation Area and our “Dark Skies”.


Direct link to log an objection [20/04325/DISCON] Construction Lighting.


Please log an objection before it is too late to stop the rot. At present 39 of us have logged objections, including Jessica Turner of the AONB Partnership.

If you have trouble logging on to the Planning Department email objections, quoting Application [20/04325/DISCON], name and address - local if possible - (Objects) to: 

Northumberland Gazette  (15th April 2021)
Seaside parish council raises ‘Blackpool’ street lighting concerns
Concerns have been raised by Beadnell councillors about street lighting proposed as part of a new housing development.



02 March 2021   Beadnell Under Threat   To be lit up like a …… Defend Our Dark Skies!

[20/04325/DISCON] Construction Lighting.
An aptly named ‘DISCOn’ application for 184 lights has been made for the 45-house estate being developed by Northumberland Estates and marketed as The Kilns. Six-metre high street lights would snake across the field to a site more akin to a loud, brash, urban fairground than the quiet, rural, coastal village nestled within our AONB and Conservation Area.
Jessica Turner of the AONB has logged an excellent detailed objection highlighting the issue, dated 22 Feb:

Highways Section 38 Layout:
External Lighting  Proposed:

Highways (HDM) objection, “With consideration of the above, HDM object to the discharge of this condition at this time.”


Direct link to log an objection:


Please log an objection before it is too late to stop the rot. Targets: a) no street lights at all along access road / private country drive and b) within the estate low-level subdued lighting  to satisfy Health and Safety Executive. Defend Our Dark Skies! Preserve Our Power!


Other news:
[21/00126/FUL] Northumberland Estates’ reduced application for three residential dwellings at 1.5 storeys in the loop  to south of 30 Swinhoe Road now has five objections and one general comment about the Drainage Strategy.


[21/00368/FUL] and [21/00026/FUL] Two linked applications two buildings and a double garage extension behind Nook End, 4 Bradshawgate Cottages, Swinhoe, now have 20 objections and 15 respectively.


[20/03014/FUL] Café/Restaurant in Beadnell beach area
Better news: a) design to include light blue wooden cladding and yacht wire balustrade to blend in with the seaside setting and b) drainage strategy accepted subject to conditions guaranteeing no surface water flooding in that area.


06 February 2021   Beadnell Under Threat - 12 > 9 > 3 ……

Northumberland Estates have been forced to reduce their plan to build, first 12 (proposed in the Indicative Master Plan, not implemented), then nine, in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 43 Swinhoe Road at the beginning of the new access road. Their new application [21/00126/FUL] is for only three dwellings restricted to “principal residence”, as confirmed earlier this week in an email from the Case Officer,

“Thank you for your email. Should we as an authority be looking to approve the proposal we would be asking the applicant for a legal agreement to secure the principal occupancy restriction as per the neighbourhood plan. We would secure this prior to issuing the decision.”

As the three bungalows proposed conform to the building line and are within the settlement boundary, NE have reacted positively to our 93 objections and those of the Parish Council, the AONB Partnership and the Building Conservation Officer. It is therefore difficult to find any objection apart from the well-used cri de coeur of no more building until Policy 14 of the NNCNP for “principal residence” has been tested by the ongoing 45-house development, called The Kilns, and the extra two with planning consent in Bernicia Way. Over to you to decide and respond.


In other news:
Development in Swinhoe village 
Two linked applications have been made in the area behind 4 Bradshawgate Cottages: [21/00026/FUL] for a double garage extension and [21/00368/FUL] for two buildings with similar footprints, one a two-bedroom dwelling and the other an office/double garage. Some of you will remember the same applicant’s plan to build two four-bedroom holiday lets on the same site in 2012, which was turned down and withdrawn owing to over-development, drainage issues and its impact on the entrance to the AONB. The concern is that this manoeuvre would open up the possibility of the conversion of the office/double garage  into a holiday let at a later date, as an addition to his holiday portfolio, thus avoiding the requirement for “principal residence”, as it would no longer be classed as a new-build. When considering the two applications together, there does appear to be a surfeit of garage space for a two-bedroom cottage.


Café/Restaurant in Beadnell beach area
The plan for the application [20/03014/FUL] has been slightly tweaked again on 3rd February - still no third storey viewing platform and the changed position within the site. The retention of the stark, dark-profiled steel cladding, however, is the main objection - sore thumb scenario.






26th October 2020   Beadnell Under Threat   Building Blight Begins….1,2,3!


​1.The first dagger thrust of Northumberland Estates’ chosen developer, Bondgate Homes,  has created a scar across Beadnell Green. Two years of blight, the construction of 45 “primary residence” houses, lie before us. Heras Fencing delineates the new access road across our precious field.

I shall be watching the action closely and plan to monitor the sale of houses to ensure “principal residence”. To do this, I have set up a task force, BUT4us. If you would like to join, please let me know, and together we can coordinate our campaign. During the planning process, back in 2016 when negotiating the terms of the S106 “principal residence” clauses, the Chief Planning Officer approved of such monitoring by residents.


2.There is still time to log an objection to NE’s desire to add to the blight with their application [19/05016/FUL] for another nine “principal residence” houses in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 41 Swinhoe Road at the beginning of the new access road. Please log an objection, if you are not one of the 93 to have not already done so. Over 100 objectors would emphasize the depth of our concerns to the planning officer.


The Parish Council, the AONB Partnership and the Building Conservation Officer are all in opposition to the plans.



3.Café/Restaurant in Beadnell beach area

A new application has been lodged [20/03014/FUL] with various changes to the NE application [18/03822/FUL] which was approved in September 2019. Third storey viewing platform added to west end (despite description as two-storey), signage, stark dark profiled steel cladding, increase of café/restaurant covers and only two (+ one disabled) toilets on the ground floor (two + one disabled on second floor). One concession, granted as a community benefit, was public toilet facilities accessible on the ground floor - six (four female, two male/two urinals + one disabled).


Need help with logging an application? Full instructions on our website under ‘Development + Help Us Fight It’.


If you have problems with logging an objection directly, you can send an email to the NCC Department:


You will need to give the planning application reference number, your name and address (local carries more weight) and that you OBJECT.



23 Jul 2020   Beadnell Under Threat   Too High, Too Big, Too Crowded!

Application [20/01647/FUL] to build four huge detached houses to replace the old bus garage/fish‘n’chip shop and café/now block of three flats, called ‘On the Beach’, as you approach Beadnell from Seahouses. Too High…Too Big…Too Crowded. As there will be no Beadnell Parish Council meeting for you to air your opinion, the only way to make your voice heard in opposition to this over-development of the site is to log an objection on the NCC Planning Portal.
Christine Williamson has logged two objections which comprehensively cover all the planning points required. These can be found on the Planning Portal under “Document 19 July Objection Comment

Direct link to log an objection to [20/01647/FUL]:


In addition, this is your last chance to log an objection to Northumberland Estates “amended plans” to their application for nine extra houses in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 41 Swinhoe Road.

The crucial point is this: if we can persuade the NCC Planning Department to refuse permission for the nine extra houses, it might make the whole NE project for the field economically unviable, thereby saving Beadnell from any more unwarranted development.

The Parish Council, the AONB Partnership and the Building Conservation Officer have all objected.
For some hints see my previous update below, dated 03 July 2020.

Need help with logging an application? Full instructions on this website under ‘Development + Help Us Fight It’.

If you have problems with logging an objection directly, you can send an email to the NCC Department:


You will need to give your name and address (local carries more weight), the reference number and that you OBJECT.


21 December 2020   Beadnell Under Threat   Some Christmas Cheer ……


Nothumberland EsNtates have withdrawn their application [19/05016/FUL] for another nine “principal residence” houses in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 43 Swinhoe Road at the beginning of the new access road. Our 93 objections - none in support - the Parish Council, the AONB Partnership and the Building Conservation Officer have won the opening skirmish!


In other news:
Café/Restaurant in Beadnell beach area
The revised application [20/03014/FUL] has been amended - no third storey viewing platform and changed position within site. The retention of the stark, dark, profiled steel cladding, however, is now the main objection - sore thumb scenario.


Northumberland Gazette (18th December 2020)
Plans for a café and restaurant near one of Northumberland’s best beaches have met with a mixed response from the parish council.


Planned 63-pitch extension to Camping and Caravanning Club site
[20/01002/COU] Change of use of agricultural land for use as a caravan park as an extension to the existing camping and caravanning club site | Land North West Of Beadnell Bay Caravan Site Beadnell Northumberland


Finally, if you have strong views on development within Beadnell, now is your chance to have your say:
Northumberland Gazette (3rd December 2020)
Community survey launched by Northumberland parish council as it seeks views on what can be improved.
People in Beadnell are being asked how they would like to see the village develop in the future.

03 July 2020   Beadnell Under Threat   Urban Creep…Second Offensive…STAY ALERT!


Northumberland Estates has moved the goalposts by submitting “amended plans” to their application for nine extra houses in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 41 Swinhoe Road. In answer to concerns raised by various consultees, NE has improved the flood prevention measures, made slight adjustments to the internal roadways and repositioned the six houses, set back from Swinhoe Road. The major change that would concern us is the enlargement of the corner house of the six from a 2-bed Type H2 (70 sq.m.) to a 3-bed Type H3 (107.9 sq.m.). In the past month agents have also been surveying the top corner of old Swinhoe Road with regard to the removal of sections of wall and at least one large tree to make way for passing places and inspecting the gates/access points to the field along the boundaries of the Swinhoe Road properties. They have also been finalising their plans for the 45-house development with access road across the field. As yet, it is not clear whether they have found a buyer for the project, the sale of which is no longer in the hands of GVA. I suspect their new agent is Fairhurst, who has dealt with the extra two houses at Bernicia Way (formerly Beadnell Point) and the off-site mitigation zone.

The crucial point is this: if we can persuade the NCC Planning Department to refuse permission for the nine extra houses, it might make the whole NE project for the field economically unviable, thereby saving Beadnell from any more unwarranted development.

The Parish Council, the AONB Partnership and the Building Conservation Officer, who objected to the original plans have all been asked to comment on the new “amended plans”.

To ensure that our 81 original objections are still valid, it would be wise to resubmit them, adding any extra details, as necessary. 
Please log an objection, if you have not done so. There are now 224 of us on the BUT list!
Some hints below:
Reference: [19/05016/FUL]    
ï‚·Nine more "principal residence" houses should not be built in Beadnell before Policy 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan has been tried, tested and proved to be enforceable. 47 houses, with the S106 "principal residence" restriction, already have planning consent, granted to Northumberland Estates, to the south of Swinhoe Road.
ï‚·No demonstrable need for any more houses in Beadnell over and above those already with planning consent. 
ï‚·Yet more houses not in public interest in the AONB and newly designated Conservation Area.
ï‚·Unsightly estate attached to linear design of Swinhoe Road would result in an obtrusive development in the rural landscape from a range of viewpoints.
Direct link for objections to Planning Portal:

Need help with logging an application? Full instructions on our website under ‘Development + Help Us Fight It’ or in attachment below.

If you have problems with logging an objection directly, you can send an email to the NCC Department:

Reference: [19/05016/FUL]
You will need to give your name and address (local carries more weight) and that you OBJECT.

09 April 2020   Beadnell Under Threat - Lifeline?…..Grab it!


Yet more pressure is required to remove the threat and claim victory. The Building Conservation Officer has now objected to the nine extra houses proposed by Northumberland Estates in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 41 Swinhoe Road. The Parish Council, which was instrumental in making Beadnell into a Conservation Area, and the AONB Partnership have also objected. That means we could stop all building in the field as economically unviable, provided that we apply maximum pressure. So far 62 of us have logged objections (none in support!) out of a target of over 100. We need to show our total opposition to such an unwarranted development and persuade the NCC Planning Department to recommend refusal. Please log an objection, if you have not done so. Some hints below:
Reference: [19/05016/FUL]

  • Nine more "principal residence" houses should not be built in Beadnell before Policy 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan has been tried, tested and proved to be enforceable. 47 houses, with the S106 "principal residence" restriction, already have planning consent, granted to Northumberland Estates, to the south of Swinhoe Road.

  • No demonstrable need for any more houses in Beadnell over and above those already with planning consent.

  • Yet more houses not in public interest in the AONB and new designated Conservation Area.

  • Unsightly estate attached to linear design of Swinhoe Road would result in an obtrusive development in the rural landscape from a range of viewpoints.

Direct link for objections to Planning Portal:

Need help with logging an application? Full instructions on our website under ‘Development + Help Us Fight It’ 

If you have problems with logging an objection directly, you can send an email to the NCC Department:

Reference: [19/05016/FUL]
You will need to give your name and address (local carries more weight) and that you OBJECT.


19 February 2020   Beadnell Under Threat - Stop the Urban Creep!

We have one final chance to stop the Urban Creep in its tracks. If we stop the extra nine houses proposed by Northumberland Estates in the loop to the south of 30 and west of 41 Swinhoe Road, we could stop all building in the field as economically unviable. So far there are only 38 objections logged out of a target of over 100. We need to show our total opposition to such an unwarranted development and persuade the NCC Planning Department to recommend refusal.
Reference: [19/05016/FUL] 

Direct link for objections to Planning Portal:






13 February 2020   Beadnell Under Threat   Success ... Two down, One to go - Final Push required. 


Success No. 1: [19/04801/VARYCO] Condition 4 upheld - Access Road is back to route approved and agreed in Decision Notice (Proof given below under N.B.). All credit to 46 letters to Beadnel Parish Council Clerk, resultant unanimous 'objection' vote by BPC and 100 objections logged on Planning Portal despite 'gremlins in the system' over Christmas!

Success No. 2: [19/05016/FUL] Northumberland Estates' new application to build 9 more "principal occupancy" houses in the loop south of 30 and west of 43 Swinhoe Road - another unanimous 'objection' vote by the Beadnell Parish Council.

One to go: Your help is urgently needed for the Final Push. Please log an objection against the nine houses proposed by Northumberland Estates for the loop in the dip at the bottom of Swinhoe Road. So far there are only nineteen objections logged. We need to show our total opposition to such an unwarranted development and persuade the NCC Planning Department to recommend refusal.

Reference: [19/05016/FUL] 
Direct link for objections to Planning Portal:

N.B. Proof of [19/04801/VARYCO] Condition 4 upheld:
Direct Link:

28th January Correspondence AGENT RE AMENDMENTS
From Guy Munden, Development Planner for Northumberland Estates:
The alignment of the access road is now consistent with the approved alignment, and we have addressed various consultation comments in relation to the internal layout of the site. A swept path plan is also attached as requested by Highways. The majority of comments raised relate to the alignment of the access road – this has now been fully resolved.


30 January 2020   Beadnell Under Threat    Once more unto the breach, once more...

Our campaign to thwart the Duke and Northumberland Estates goes on. Their new application to build 9 more "principal occupancy" houses in the loop south of 30 and west of 43 Swinhoe Road is to be discussed and voted upon at the Beadnell Parish Council planning meeting next Wednesday. Please attend, if you can, to add as much weight as possible to our objection.
W. I. Hall, Meadow Lane, Beadnell, on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 6pm (Doors open and drawings on display from 5.30pm)
If you are unable to make it, you can still make your voice heard, so that your opinion will count. How? The Clerk is obliged to read out any written submissions at the meeting. So, please email a short pithy objection (those of us, able to attend, will be outlining in full the planning arguments required, which only have to be mentioned once to count).
Please email the following brief statement with any other personal observations before noon on Wednesday, blind copying me in, so that I can check that your comment has been logged: 
Subject: [19/05016/FUL]
I am ....................(name required). I strongly object to this application to build 9 more "principal occupancy" houses in Beadnell before Policy 14 has been tested with the 47 houses that already have planning consent.
Please forward my objection to all parish councillors in accordance with GDPR ruling.

Our aim is to apply moral pressure upon the Parish Councillors, our representatives. By demonstrating our total commitment  to opposing Northumberland Estates' attempt to build yet more houses, we shall be encouraging our councillors to vote accordingly.
Don't miss this chance to make a difference. To quote William Wilberforce once more: "Let it not be said that I was silent."
Meanwhile, please log an objection on the planning portal. The more local objections the more likely our opposition to the scheme will be acted upon by the planning department. So far there are 5 objections. We need to persuade them to recommend refusal.

19 January 2020   Beadnell Under Threat - Northumberland Estates are at it AGAIN!


Now the 'loop' at the bottom of Swinhoe Road is the target for 9 houses. Does Northumberland Estates ever stop?

[19/05016/FUL | Development of 9no. residential dwellings including associated access, car parking, landscaping and all other ancillary works | Land South Of 30 Swinhoe Road Swinhoe Road Beadnell Northumberland]

Direct link:

Opposition has been made more difficult by NE in several ways:
1. The site is within the Settlement Boundary;
2. The original plan for 12 houses has been reduced to 9. No longer a 'major' development within the AONB, it faces fewer restrictions;
3. The inclusion of 3 affordable houses (at 33%) satisfies the legal requirement;
4. All houses are subject to Policy 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan for 'principal occupancy' residency only, as stated in the "20191220 SWINHOE ROAD DRAFT HEADS OF TERMS S106" document.

Apart from our usual objections of too many houses in Beadnell, over 80% second homes/holiday lets (the highest rate in the country), the lack of infrastructure etc., there is one crucial point to make.

Policy 14 for 'principal occupancy' has not been tested. Many have their doubts as to whether it is enforceable at all.
Therefore it needs to be tested. At present, there are 47 new-build houses restricted to Policy 14 with planning consent (45 on Beadnell Green and two in Bernicia Way, formerly known as Beadnell Point). That would mean 47 families/residents moving to Beadnell to live here permanently! Is that a likely prospect? If this application is approved, it would increase the figure to 56, thus veering towards impossibility.

This very point was part of the AONB Partnership's objection to the 'Hellens' application of 2018 which was rejected during the week prior to Committee.


I am part of a Monitoring Group, set up by our Ward Councillor, that will be scrutinising every new-build property to ensure Policy 14 is enforced.

The overwhelming mood within our precious village is one of angry resistance to even more unwarranted development. Therefore, please log an objection to apply pressure to save our precious village from NE's latest attack.
Alternatively, write to:
North Area Team, Planning Department, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF


12 January 2020   Beadnell Under Threat - Your voice counts!

Our campaign to thwart the Duke is gaining unstoppable momentum, thanks to you. Despite the IT problems, there are now 87 objections logged with none in support. Our target is to beat our 2016 record of 208! If you have not already done so, please add your objection - the deadline has been extended.

To uphold the democratic system, your presence is required, in person or 'in absentia', at the Beadnell Parish Council Meeting this Wednesday. Can't make it? Have no fear - you can still make your voice heard, so that your opinion will count. How? The Clerk is obliged to read out any written submissions at the meeting. So, please email a short pithy objection (those of us, able to attend, will be outlining in full the planning arguments required, which only have to be mentioned once to have weight).

Please email the following brief statement before noon on Wednesday, blind copying me in, so that I can check that your comment has been logged:


Subject: 19/04801/VARYCO

I am ....................(name required). I strongly object to the proposed variation to Condition 4 (and Conditions 5 and 6 where the access road forms part of the drawings).
The request to vary Condition 4, which deals with the alignment of the access road, must not be permitted. Drawing [1216-TNE-SD-10.03 Rev D – Proposed Site Plan with Access] MUST BE WITHDRAWN to protect the AONB.


If you are able to attend in person, so much the better - W. I. Hall, Meadow Lane, Beadnell, on Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 6pm (Doors open and drawings on display from 5.30pm)

Link to agenda:


Our aim is to apply moral pressure upon the Parish Councillors, our representatives. By demonstrating our total commitment  to opposing Northumberland Estates' attempt to undermine the agreed and enforceable democratic decision, voted on by Committee on 3rd January 2017, we shall be encouraging our councillors to vote accordingly.

Don't miss this chance to make a difference. To quote William Wilberforce: "Let it not be said that I was silent."



03 January 2020   Beadnell Under Threat - Gremlins in the System - we can sort it!

The Planning Portal is not working properly! At best, the service is intermittent! Only 16 of us have managed to log objections.

I have been advised by the Planning Department to send our email objections to their generic address: 


My advice is try to log your objection once more in the usual way, as that feeds directly on to the correct application.

If you are again greeted with "Error in system", please be patient and try Plan B:


You will need to give your name and address - local if possible (Objects)

Add ref: [19/04801/VARYCO


The crucial point is (adjust wording?):

I strongly object to the proposed variation to Condition 4 (and Conditions 5 and 6 where the access road forms part of the drawings).

The request to vary Condition 4, which deals with the alignment of the access road, must not be permitted. Drawing [1216-TNE-SD-10.03 Rev D – Proposed Site Plan with Access] MUST BE WITHDRAWN.


If you back copy me into your email. I shall check that it has got through and been logged on the system.


This is the moment for us to make a difference. To quote William Wilberforce: "Let it not be said that I was silent."

N.B. Democracy delivers provided that enough voices shout loud enough! Developers, take note!

01 January 2020   Beadnell Under Threat  -  Pressure needed to preserve Beadnell...


The Planning Portal is now working!

 It is time to make our voices heard with multiple objections. Northumberland Estates (NE) must not be allowed to realign the access road to 'pave' the way to even more development. As I said in my previous BUT update, NE are trying to slip in their changes to the agreed legally binding Decision Notice under the radar. If successful, NE will have overturned the democratic decision of the NCC Planning Committee to grant planning permission with attached, enforceable conditions.

What can you do to stop NE in their tracks? Log or pen an objection, using your Beadnell address, if you have one (local opinion carries more weight). 208 objected to the 45-house development - there were no supporters. A similar showing would send a clear message to the planning department and persuade them to defend their original recommendation and legally binding Decision Notice, which was endorsed by Committee.


The key points to highlight in your objections are:
[19/04801/VARYCO | Variation of conditions 4,5,6,26 and 39 pursuant to planning application 16/01688/OUT in order to allow the amendment of the layout | Land South Of Kennedy Green Beadnell Northumberland]


I strongly object to the proposed variation to Condition 4 (and Conditions 5 and 6 where the access road forms part of the drawings).


The request to vary Condition 4, which deals with the alignment of the access road, must not be permitted. Drawing [1216-TNE-SD-10.03 Rev D – Proposed Site Plan with Access] MUST BE WITHDRAWN. It could be replaced with the approved drawing [540-TNE SD-10.03 E - Proposed Site Plan With Access], as agreed in Condition 4 of the Decision Notice.

Also, if necessary to enforce the correct alignment of the access road, Drawing [1216-TNE-SD-10.02 Rev L - Proposed Site Plan] used in the variations to Conditions 4, 5 and 6 must be amended. Approved drawing [540-TNE SD-10.03 E - Proposed Site Plan] could be used as a template.


The Officer's Report to Committee, dated 30th December 2016, for the Committee Meeting on 3rd January 2017 must be respected and enforced. The Committee's democratic decision to approve the application subject to the conditions of the Decision Notice must be upheld.


Relevant extract from the Officer's Report, dated 30th December 2016, for Committee Meeting on 3rd January 2017:
"Outline application for the development of 45 no. residential dwellings, including all ancillary works; approval sought for access, landscaping, layout and scale; appearance is a reserved matter (as amended by plans received 13/10/16 - layout of access road)
7.29 .........The route of the proposed road has been amended during the course of the application in order to reduce its impact as it was previously located further south and somewhat more visually intrusive when crossing the field, and following comments from HDM. The original route was shown in connection with other potential development shown on an indicative masterplan, although that was not forming part of this current application. The road has therefore been relocated further north and closer to the existing pattern of development on Swinhoe Road so that it would appear better related and less intrusive. This would be between 12 metres – 32 metres from the southern boundaries of the properties on Swinhoe Road. A landscape plan shows native hedge planting along the length of this, with drystone walls at the entrance point to the new housing, which would assist in mitigating the visual impact of the road construction........
 7.30 ....... The route of the road has been amended to reduce its visual intrusion into this area, and its landscape and visual impact can be mitigated further through landscaping and reduction in lighting. .........Potential visual harm arising through the construction of the road has been balanced against the benefits of delivering the permanent occupancy housing, and mitigation measures and it is considered that the benefits of delivering housing for permanent occupancy outweighs the potential visual harm that may be caused by the access road."

Condition 4 of the Decision Notice states:
The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the approved plans and documents. The approved plans and documents are:-
540-TNE SD-10.02 E - Proposed Site Plan
540-TNE SD-10.03 E - Proposed Site Plan With Access
Reason: To ensure that the approved development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and documents and to ensure that a satisfactory form of development is obtained.


Finally, there is no mention of the realignment of the access road either in the section73 letter supporting the request for the variations or in the new Design and Access Statement (November 2019). In fact, in all drawings on pages 6 and 8 of this Design and Access Statement the approved route of the access road, agreed at Committee, is clearly defined!

The applicant's request to undermine Condition 4, by varying the route of the access road, must be rejected.


Please log an objection to apply pressure to save our precious field. Alternatively, write to:
Tony Lowe, Case Officer, Planning Department, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF


Useful Links:
19/04801/VARYCO | Variation of conditions 4,5,6,26 and 39 pursuant to planning application 16/01688/OUT in order to allow the amendment of the layout | Land South Of Kennedy Green Beadnell Northumberland:





22nd December 2019   Beadnell Under Threat - Devious Tactics MUST NOT Prevail!

Once again your help is requested to avert a catastrophe for our beloved Beadnell. Northumberland Estates (NE) are surreptitiously angling to 'pave the way' to further development in our field. Let me explain. Most of you will have received notification of an innocent sounding planning application [19/04801/VARYCO], as you were one of 200 objectors (no supporters!) to the 45-house development way back in May 2016 [16/01688/OUT]. All Links given below.

The new application aims to vary the conditions laid out in the Decision Notice granting permission on 1st March 2017. If Condition 4 relating to the exact route of the access road is allowed to be varied, as NE wishes, it will expose extra development land to the south of the gardens of Swinhoe Road. NE wish to revert to the original route proposed to enable implementation of their Indicative Master Plan. The end result will be at least one row of houses between the gardens and the  access road which, at present, has been prevented by the amended route enforced in the Decision Notice by Neil Armstrong.

The timing of this application during the Christmas break ensures that less notice is taken of this devious ploy and, as it is a section 73 amendment, it will be dealt with under 'delegated powers'. In effect, the planners negotiate with the developer without the scrutiny of Councillors at Committee! In addition, the deadline for objections is January 6th, thus compressing time for debate and 'guaranteeing' swift passage. No objection has been logged as yet, to prove my point about the underhand tactics used.


As soon as I heard of the plans on Friday, I wrote to a member of the planning department to voice our concerns. The response was, "Wait until the New Year!" Too late! We all need to log objections and persuade others to do the same. Locals carry much more weight so use your Beadnell address.

The offending document that needs to be thrown out is:
06 Dec 2019 Plan   1216-TNE-SD-10.03D - PROPOSED SITE PLAN WITH ACCESS

Direct link:

Our crucial defence is to reinforce the following arguments among other strong feelings you may have:
Extract from Neil Armstrong's Officer Report, dated 30th December 2016, for Committee Meeting on 3rd January 2017:
"Outline application for the development of 45 no. residential dwellings, including all ancillary works; approval sought for access, landscaping, layout and scale; appearance is a reserved matter (as amended by plans received 13/10/16 - layout of access road)


7.29 .........The route of the proposed road has been amended during the course of the application in order to reduce its impact as it was previously located further south and somewhat more visually intrusive when crossing the field, and following comments from HDM. The original route was shown in connection with other potential development shown on an indicative masterplan, although that was not forming part of this current application. The road has therefore been relocated further north and closer to the existing pattern of development on Swinhoe Road so that it would appear better related and less intrusive. This would be between 12 metres – 32 metres from the southern boundaries of the properties on Swinhoe Road. A landscape plan shows native hedge planting along the length of this, with drystone walls at the entrance point to the new housing, which would assist in mitigating the visual impact of the road construction........

7.30 ....... The route of the road has been amended to reduce its visual intrusion into this area, and its landscape and visual impact can be mitigated further through landscaping and reduction in lighting. .........Potential visual harm arising through the construction of the road has been balanced against the benefits of delivering the permanent occupancy housing, and mitigation measures and it is considered that the benefits of delivering housing for permanent occupancy outweighs the potential visual harm that may be caused by the access road."

On 11th July 2016 the first amended version of the access road plan appeared. This was reinforced on 14th October 2016 and again on 12th December 2016. It is the final December version which is used by Neil Armstrong in Condition 4 of the Decision Notice granting permission [540 TNE-SD - 10.03 E].
" 4 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the approved plans and documents. The approved plans and documents are:
540-TNE SD-10.02 E - Proposed Site Plan 540-TNE SD-10.03 E - Proposed Site Plan With Access


Reason: To ensure that the approved development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and documents and to ensure that a satisfactory form of development is obtained."

Direct link:

By comparing the two direct links you can clearly see the spare land created by the requested relocation of the access road. This would be open for future development and, in due course, might even be considered as a new wider Settlement Boundary when the Neighbourhood Plan is up for renewal in ten years' time. Perish the thought!

Further proof of the muddying of the waters to avoid detection:
In the new Design and Access Statement [1216 - TNE] referred to by NE as ‘Design and Access Statement (November 2019)’ all the plans/drawings display the agreed/permitted route of the access road, rather than the proposed variation requested. Incompetent ? Or yet more obfuscation?


Useful Links:
19/04801/VARYCO | Variation of conditions 4,5,6,26 and 39 pursuant to planning application 16/01688/OUT in order to allow the amendment of the layout | Land South Of Kennedy Green Beadnell Northumberland:


16/01688/OUT | Outline application for the development of 45 no. residential dwellings, including all ancillary works; approval sought for access, landscaping, layout and scale; appearance is a reserved matter (as amended by plans received 13/10/16 - layout of access road) | Land South Of Kennedy Green Beadnell Northumberland


Decision Notice with crucial Condition 4:


Just tried to log my objection - error in system! Have to try again tomorrow.

Compliments of the season to you all and I trust this does not put too much of a dampener on your spirits.


19 August 2019   Beadnell Under Threat - NE café/restaurant at Committee + updates...

Northumberland Estates' proposed construction of a two-storey café/restaurant [18/03822/FUL] is to be decided at Committee this Thursday in Alnwick. They have tweaked their plans for the café/restaurant on the Beadnell Point site next to the Beach Car Park by relocating the toilets to the ground floor in addition to the added play area and green area, as minimal "public benefit", and reconfiguring the car parking spaces after taking note of BPC's rejection of their original application. Pressure from the AONB and the BPC should ensure that the toilets will be for public use.
At present, there are 105 objectors and 8 supporters. Carole Field will be speaking at committee in objection. It will be second item on the agenda and has been recommended for approval by the planning department.

Link to planning recommendation for committee members:

Link to planning application [18/03822/FUL]:

Update on other matters:
1. In July a JCB digger from Sirius was observed taking soil samples at various points along the proposed access road on Beadnell Green leading to the 45-house development between Kennedy Green and Beadnell Point, now known as Bernicia Way. It appears the Northumberland Estates has sold the site. The deadline for applying for Full Planning Permission is the 1st March 2020. We continue to monitor the situation.


2. A group of us are still trying to prevent Northumberland Estates from building two extra houses at Bernicia Way in place of the buffer zone to the north of the site. There is a S106 Agreement restricting usage to permanent occupancy only to accord with Policy 14 of the NNCNP (Neighbourhood Plan). The site has now been sold to a different developer, as Lindisfarne Homes refused to be drawn into a scheme which would not be "economically viable" owing to the restriction resulting in difficulty of sale. We are also applying pressure upon Northumbrian Water to install the infrastructure that would stop the regular flooding from surface water. The present situation is unacceptable, as any excess surface water is pumped out of the estate on to the public roadway, beach car park and into Dunes Court Estate.
Northumbrian Water cannot prevent planning permission but are legally required to build the necessary infrastructure to cope with any additional development. Clearly, they have not fulfilled their obligation since the occupation of Bernicia Way. We shall be emphasising that no further building on this flood plain should be allowed until its drainage infrastructure has been upgraded and proved effective enough to manage the situation both for the present and into the future. Even before Beadnell Point (Bernicia Way) was built they were warned!


17 March 2019   Beadnell Under Threat - NE café/restaurant third attempt


Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting

Venue: WI Hall on Meadow Lane, Beadnell
Date/Time: Wednesday 20th March 2019 at 6 pm (plans available from 5.30 pm)

On the agenda:
[18/03822/FUL] Construction of a two-storey cafe and restaurant
Northumberland Estates have tweaked their plans for a café/restaurant on the Beadnell Point site next to the Beach Car Park. They have now moved the toilets to the ground floor in addition to the added play area and green area, as minimal "public benefit", and reconfigured the car parking spaces after taking note of BPC's rejection of their original application. Pressure from AONB and the BPC should ensure that the toilets will be for public use.
At present, there are 104 objectors and 8 supporters.








28 February 2019   Beadnell Under Threat - BEADNELL on the BBC

BBC ONE Inside Out (North East and Cumbria) next week focuses on housing in our Neighbourhood Plan area of Beadnell, Bamburgh and Seahouses, featuring Policy 14, which restricts new-builds to permanent occupancy only.

Programme: BBC ONE Inside Out (North East and Cumbria)
Date: Monday 4th March 2019 at 7.30 pm

 The programme will be available on BBC iPlayer for the following 30 days.

On Tuesday 5th March 2019 the long-awaited Local Plan for the whole of Northumberland is on view in Seahouses.

Venue: Sports and Community Centre (The Hub), Stone Close, NE68 7YL
Date: Tuesday 5th March 2019 between 2pm and 7pm



21 November 2018   Beadnell Under Threat - Northumberland Estates café/restaurant ++


Beadnell Parish Council Meeting (including planning applications)
Venue: WI Hall on Meadow Lane, Beadnell
Date/Time: Wednesday 28th November 2018 at 6 pm (plans available from 5.30 pm)


 [18/03822/FUL] Construction of a two-storey cafe and restaurant
Northumberland Estates have tweaked their plans for a café/restaurant on the Beadnell Point site next to the Beach Car Park. They have added a play area and green area, as "community benefit", and reconfigured the car parking spaces after taking note of BPC's rejection of their original application. Any public comments logged on their previous application [18/02648/FUL] will be invalid and should be logged against this version, if they are to count!
Rumours abound within the village that NCC have failed to win a grant from the Coastal Communities Fund, despite being granted planning approval, for their café/coastal centre on the Beach Car Park next to the pumping station.


Therefore, there would be only one commercial venture in that area, were NE to be granted planning approval. As NE were given the go-ahead to build a café/coastal centre, play area and car parking as part of the Beadnell Point application in 2011, it is likely that this application will go through.


[18/03779/FUL] Proposed balcony extension, 27 Bernicia Way Beadnell Northumberland NE67 5EJ


And now for some good news:
[18/02414/FUL] Creation of one single storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling. Land South Of 1 Harbour Road Harbour Road Beadnell Northumberland. This application on the seaward side of Harbour Road has been withdrawn. The coastal strip is once again safe from development!



18 November 2018   Beadnell Under Threat - Beadnell Point again at Committee

Northumberland Estates' proposed expansion of Beadnell Point to 42 houses is to go before Committee again in Berwick this Thursday. We have been afforded a second chance to state our opposition as item no. 12 on the agenda.

Address of venue: Spittal "Jubilee Centre", HIGHCLIFFE, Spittal, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, TD15 2JL
Date: Thursday 22nd November at 2 pm. 

Link to Committee Meeting Agenda 
To find Beadnell Point's two documents:
click on item: 12 18-01036-FUL (Addendum) Land East of 21 Bernicia Way, Beadnell
click on item: 12 .1 Original Committee Report  Land East of 21 Bernicia Way, Beadnell

Link to Beadnell Point application to view documents and comments logged:



22 July 2018   Beadnell Under Threat - Protect Beadnell within Conservation Area ++

Beadnell Parish Council has been given the opportunity to apply for a Conservation Area to protect the village from inappropriate development. NECT (North of England Civic Trust) is offering four options, ranging from A - minimal core to D3 - covering most of the village, harbour, coastline and both Beadnell Green and 'Hellens' horse-fields. Option D3 on page 17 (web link below) would afford most protection and reinforce the aegis of the Neighbourhood Plan with its Settlement Boundary. I would urge as many of you as possible to show your support for this option at the BPC meeting this Wednesday

Direct link to the NECT proposal on the BPC website:



Unfortunately, we lost out by three votes to six at Committee in Berwick last Thursday. Northumberland Estates has been granted permission for two extra units to replace the all-important 'buffer zone' at Beadnell Point.



16 July 2018   Beadnell Under Threat - Beadnell Point at Committee


Northumberland Estates' proposed expansion of Beadnell Point is to go before Committee in Berwick this Thursday. We have not been given much notice, as you can see.
We have an excellent  speaker who is to deliver a hard-hitting speech aimed directly at the councillors at the Committee Meeting. If you can, please travel to support him. A strong showing of support may yet persuade the councillors to vote against this inappropriate proposal to add two more houses to Beadnell Point at the expense of the ecological buffer zone, which has already been planted in accordance with a section 106 Agreement.


To find Beadnell Point 'referral document' item on committee agenda, click on item: 07
Land East of 21 Bernicia Way, Beadnell


• Link to Beadnell Point application [18/01036/FUL] to view documents and comments logged:



26 May 2018    Beadnell Under Threat - Momentous Result in NP Referendum - 90% "YES"

What a result! Beadnell is now no longer "Under Threat"!
90.2% Yes 
9.88% No

Turnout 39% - apparently the same as the local election and high compared to national figures of other referenda.


Thank you all for your invaluable support over the last two years. The developers have been stopped in their tracks. The section 106 Agreement to ensure permanent occupancy on new-builds is now part of planning law in our Neighbourhood Area as Policy 14. No more new-build second homes or holiday lets may be built for the next fifteen years, that is until at least 2032, when the NP will be reviewed.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to John Woodman and his professional steering group from the three parish councils who have been slaving away since 2011 to deliver such a robust document on our behalf.

The whole country has been watching, as we have taken the steps required to protect our three communities from unwarranted, unnecessary over-development in our Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on the North Northumberland coast.



10 May 2018    Beadnell Under Threat - Referendum about Neighbourhood Plan - Vote "YES".....

At last, the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan (NNCNP) is to be put to the vote in a REFERENDUM on THURSDAY 24th MAY.

All residents of Beadnell, Seahouses and Bamburgh are eligible to vote.

I repeat my quote from page 5 of today's Northumberland Gazette under the headline - Coastal plan going out to referendum:

"The crucial elements of our Neighbourhood Plan, that will preserve the integrity of our coastal communities, are the designated Settlement Boundaries and Policy 14 to ensure permanent occupancy of all new-builds. A "Yes" vote in the Referendum would not only effect a positive outcome to planning regulations but also demonstrate a united front against the march of the developers."


The leading article of today's Gazette also deals with "The scourge of second homes along the coastline"


and on page 5 the theme continues with "Village survey reveals extent of holiday lets".


The NNCNP is our best defence until 2032, so persuade everyone you know in all three communities to vote "YES".

NNCNP (Beadnell, Bamburgh and Seahouses) and scroll down to 'North Northumberland Coastal Area:


Update: Northumberland Estates trying to add two holiday homes to the Beadnell Point development [18/01036/FUL]. So far ten objections (none in support!) have been logged on the Planning Portal.

• Last May application [17/01130/FUL] withdrawn owing to upholding of Clause 25 of the s106, which guaranteed that the two, so-called, "vacant plots" be reserved as buffer zone to protect ecology of required wetlands. NE now trying to vary terms of s106 by offering an "off-site ecological mitigation strategy", which would set a dangerous precedent considering our reliance upon the 'Beadnell' section 106 agreement guaranteeing permanent occupancy on their 45-house development on Beadnell Green.

• Would the two dwellings have to be for permanent occupancy as now  by the Neighbourhood Plan for all new-builds?

• Restrictive covenant imposed by a conveyance of the land in 1950. In September 2015 the whole of the development was transferred from one Northumberland Estates legal entity to another and on that transfer the following legal restrictive covenant was imposed:  No more than 40 holiday homes may be considered on the development. This legal transfer was ratified by Warcup Law Firm.

• This re-submission application for two dwellings on 'vacant plot' east of Bernicia Way at Beadnell Point [18/01036/FUL] should therefore be opposed in the strongest possible terms.


09 April 2018    Beadnell Under Threat - Northumberland Estates try again....

Northumberland Estates are again trying to add two holiday homes to the Beadnell Point development [18/01036/FUL]. Last May their application [17/01130/FUL] was withdrawn owing to the upholding of Clause 25 of the section 106 agreement which guaranteed that the two, so called, "vacant plots" must be reserved as a buffer zone to protect the ecology of the required wetlands. NE are now trying to vary the terms of the s106 by offering an "off-site ecological mitigation strategy", which would set a dangerous precedent considering our reliance upon the 'Beadnell' section 106 agreement guaranteeing permanent occupancy only on their 45-house development on Beadnell Green. Another point to consider is whether these houses would now have to be for permanent occupancy only as required by the Neighbourhood Plan for all new-builds. To support this point a restrictive covenant was imposed by a conveyance of the land in 1950. In September 2015 the whole of the development was transferred from one Northumberland Estates legal entity to another and on that transfer the following legal restrictive covenants were imposed:  No more than 40 holiday homes may be considered on the development. This legal transfer was ratified by Warcup Law Firm. The re-submission application for two dwellings on 'vacant plot' east of Bernicia Way at Beadnell Point [18/01036/FUL] should therefore be opposed in the strongest possible terms.



09 April 2018    Beadnell Under Threat - Great news about 'Hellens'.....


The 'Hellens Residential' application [17/01401/FUL] has been withdrawn. I repeat, WITHDRAWN!

Therefore, thank you for all your support during the BUT campaign. There will be no need to attend the Committee Meeting - Hellens is off the agenda.
A moment of quiet celebration would be allowed....


Good news...good news...good news...

1. The Haven site for two dwellings on the 'Fishermen's Land' south of the Seabreeze shop [17/04366/FUL] - application withdrawn

2. The North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan has been passed by the Independent Examiner. It is ready for referendum and now carries full weight in planning terms. On page 40 of the NNCNP, POLICY 14:  PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE HOUSING  states: "Proposals for all new housing, excluding replacement dwellings, will only be supported where first and future occupation is restricted in perpetuity to ensure that each new dwelling is occupied only as a Principal Residence." The entire NP is great news for our area and it is vital we all vote "yes" in the imminent referendum in order to protect our community from speculative developers.

3. Sale of Duke's 45-house development update - GVA, the agent, are still considering their position.



04 February 2018    Beadnell Under Threat - Last chance to influence 'Hellens' decision

Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting to discuss 'Hellens' amended application in WI Hall on Wednesday 7th February at 6pm (doors open and plans available from 5.30)

Hellens Residential Development of 52 houses in the 'horse field' [17/01401/FUL] has been updated on the Planning Portal. Apart from a few internal roadway adjustments etc., the major additions, required by the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), are a Foul Pumping Station and Maintenance Access road leading to a large Detention Basin, all sited below 'The Hemmel' and opposite the entrance to the 'Kennedy Farm' cottages. This extra development reflects what many have been saying about 'Flood Plain' issues in this area and the need for NWL to upgrade their system, as it is already running at full capacity. In addition, a new public footpath, leading from Swinhoe Road, will skirt the western edge of the site.  I attach a copy of the amended plan taken from the Planning Portal, dated 24th January.

The more individual objections logged against the application - 97 so far and counting - the more power we have to sway the planning department in our favour.

P.S. Sale of Duke's site and field - Negotiations with one interested party still ongoing!

P.P.S. Update on 'Old School House' - appeal upheld on 1st December 2017 but appellants not granted costs from NCC. The adjudicator ruled that the councillors had every right to object to the application and force the appeal. Hopefully, this success will embolden the same councillors in their future opposition to speculative developers.



17 December 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Save Our Coastal Strip

Our coastal strip on the seaward side of Harbour Road is once more under threat of unwarranted development. The "fishermen's plot" between the Seabreeze Shop and the double public footpath is to be filled with two detached two-storey houses - Planning Application [17/04366/FUL | Development of two detached dwellings. | The Haven Site South East Of Village Store Harbour Road Beadnell Northumberland]- Direct Link:

The fragile nature of this North Sea Coast must be protected.
What can we do to support our village in objecting to the degradation of the North Northumberland Coast, the "jewel in the crown" of this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)?

1. "Boots on the Ground" - come to the Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting this Wednesday 20th December in the WI Hall at 6pm (doors open and plans available for viewing from 5.30)

2. "Make your voice heard" - If you cannot be there in person, you can submit a statement to be read out at the planning meeting. Either email the Clerk, Isabel Hunter:


3. "Power to the People" - the most potent effect is to write or log an objection on the NCC Planning Portal on the direct link given above. The more individual objections logged against the application, the more power we have to sway the planning department in our favour.
Below is a useful list of links for matters still in the pipeline:
P.S. Sale of Duke's site and field - Negotiations with developers still ongoing! No progress!


02 November 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - 20 mph Speed Limit?

I pass on details of a proposal for Beadnell which has been posted on notice boards and may be of interest to you.

20 mph limit for Beadnell?

The NCC has asked the Parish Council if it would be interested in a 20 mph speed limit within the village.
This will be discussed at the next meeting on 22nd November at 6pm.

Let us know what you think by coming along to the meeting, speaking to a councillor or emailing us at  

P.S. Sale of Duke's site and field - Negotiations with developers still ongoing! No progress!


28 September 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Final chapter in the Old School Saga

After our victory at the Committee Stage in Berwick with a vote in our favour of 8 to 1, it is now time to face the final curtain - the Appeal. Although previous objections during the planning stage will be carried forward, it would help our cause if there were to be a significant number of 'representations' made directly to the Appeal Officer. At present, the applicant feels confident, as he did prior to Committee. So that he is not able to overturn the councillors' decision, we need to launch a final assault to ensure complete victory. Please log, email or write a 'representation' in objection directly to the Appeals Case Officer, Hazel Stanmore-Richards.


There are three ways to object to the 4-house development:

• Web link:
 Click on: START NOW to register - create username, email, address etc., password. Case no:  3181245. Make Representation


• email: (quoting ref: APP/P2935/W/17/3181245)


• Address:  The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, BRISTOL, BS1 6PN (quoting ref: APP/P2935/W/17/3181245)


Update to Rallying cry! There is still time to log or write objections against the 'Hellens Residential' plan to build 52 houses to the west of The Wynding [17/01401/FUL] - 85 objections at present, aim for 100? - links and details below.

Register/Login details are on our website under the tab 'Support Us'.
• Direct link to: [17/01401/FUL] Erection of 52 dwellings on Land West of The Wynding, Beadnell NE67 5AY


P.S. Sale of Duke's site and field - Negotiations with developers still ongoing! No progress!



19 August 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Your village needs You!


Rallying cry! More directed objections are needed against the 'Hellens Residential' plan to build 52 houses to the west of The Wynding [17/01401/FUL] - links and details below.

I have it on the best authority that there will be a delay in this application going forward to Committee, until after the consultation period of the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan (Beadnell, Bamburgh and Seahouses) has been completed in about three weeks time. During this phase we are allowed to cite the terms of the NNCNP as major planning points in our defence/defiance. In the 'Hellens' case the proposed development is not only unnecessary, unwanted, unwelcome, but also "outside the SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY of Beadnell Village" and should, therefore, not be permitted.

As we have been offered this extra window of opportunity, let us not waste it. Persuade as many lovers of Beadnell as possible to log or write an objection, mentioning other valid reasons and focusing on: "This proposed development would lie outside the SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY of Beadnell Village, as defined in the Neighbourhood Plan". (Direct link to NP given below)
We have already won once at Committee in Berwick when the plans for the Old School House were thrown out! We can do it again. We just need the ammunition of public objections - 44 at present; what about a target of 100? Can we do it? "Yes, we can." Carpe diem.

Register/Login details are on our website under the tab 'Support Us'.


•  Direct link to: [17/01401/FUL] Erection of 52 dwellings on Land West of The Wynding, Beadnell NE67 5AY


P..S. Sale of Duke's site and field - Negotiations with developers still ongoing!



24 July 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - On a roll....


Victory at the Committee in Berwick! With " Mike on the mic" and the Beadnell Parish Council working in tandem, the local councillors voted to throw out the proposal to replace the Old School with four townhouses. Only the chair sided with the applicant, who may yet appeal against this decision.


First blood! Guy Renner-Thompson, our ward councillor, has ensured that Arch, the NCC development arm, has withdrawn support from the Hellens Residential 52-house application for the 'horse field'.


Previous success! Northumberland Estates have been forced to withdraw their application to add two extra units on a so-called 'vacant plot' at their Beadnell Point holiday village development. Section 106 Agreements do have teeth!


Awaiting news on the Beadnell Green 45-house development sale by Northumberland Estates! Negotiations still in progress. Further update after 8th August.


How can we keep the ball rolling?


The Hellens Residential plan to build 52 houses to the west of The Wynding on the 'horse field' has been referred to Committee. At present, there are only 35 objections posted on the NCC Planning Portal (we posted 208 against Beadnell Green!). To ensure the best chance of success, we need your support. Please log or post an objection to keep up the pressure.



18 July 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Mike on the mic! 


Mike Spark is to deliver a hard-hitting speech aimed directly at the councillors at the Committee Meeting in Berwick this Thursday. If you can, please travel to support him. It will be well worth the trip to witness the councillors' uncomfortable reaction. A strong showing of support may yet persuade these councillors to vote against this inappropriate proposal for the Old School. Some of them will have seen for themselves the traffic chaos caused by parked cars outside the Women's Institute during their site visit yesterday. Our pitch centres on the child protection issues raised by the first-floor lounges and balconies of holiday lets, directly overlooking the children's playground. In addition, we are proposing an acceptable alternative of 1½-storey bungalows to whet the councillors' appetite for discussion.


To find Old School 'referral document' item on committee agenda, click on item: 05


  • Link to Old School House to log an objection:


  • Register/Login details are on our website under the tab 'Support Us'.


14 July 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - No, No, No, No, to 4 Tall Townhouses....


Bad news! The case officer, Ragu Sittambalam, has now recommended that the North Northumberland Councillors should grant approval to the plans proposed for the Old School at Committee Meeting next Thursday. Despite the referral to committee of both John Woodman and Guy Renner-Thompson, the ward councillors, and the strong objections on planning grounds, raised at both BPC Planning Meetings, four unwanted tall townhouses are likely to be an unappreciated fixture within the heart of our village.


As the request for a permanent residency clause (S106) has also been quashed in this case (para 7.9 in the 'referral document' - see link below), four new holiday lets will be added to the saturated market.


What can we do? Two actions may still swing the balance in our favour at this eleventh hour:


1. Log or post an objection focusing on the single issue of child protection (mentioned as top item on BPC consultee document on page 3 of the 'referral document' - see link below). First floor lounges and balconies of holiday lets will be directly overlooking the children's playground! At present there are only three objections logged on the NCC Planning Website.


2. Support Mike Spark at the Committee Meeting, as he speaks in opposition, voicing the concerns of the village. A strong showing of support may yet persuade the councillors, particularly when they have considered the implications after their site visit on Monday. They will then have seen for themselves the narrow confines of Meadow Lane and the proximity and vulnerability of the children's playground.


You have heard it said, "Suffer little children to come unto me." I say, "Little children should not suffer."


Direct links:


  • Link to Committee Meeting Agenda to be held at the Spittal "Jubilee Centre", Highcliffe, Berwick-Upon-Tweed on Thursday 20th July at 4 pm:

To find Old School 'referral document' item on committee agenda, click on item: 05


  • Link to Old School House to log an objection:




02 November 2017     Beadnell Under Threat - 20 mph Speed Limit?....

I pass on details of a proposal for Beadnell which has been posted on notice boards and may be of interest to you.
20 mph limit for Beadnell?
The NCC has asked the Parish Council if it would be interested in a 20 mph speed limit within the village.
This will be discussed at the next meeting on 22nd November at 6pm.
Let us know what you think by coming along to the meeting, speaking to a councillor or emailing us at  

Below is a useful list of links for matters still in the pipeline:
•    Direct link to: [17/01401/FUL] Erection of 52 dwellings on Land West of The Wynding, Beadnell NE67 5AY. Objections still being accepted......

•    Direct link to North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan (Beadnell, Bamburgh and Seahouses) - To access Draft Plan of NP, click on box on right:

P.S. Sale of Duke's site and field - Negotiations with developers still ongoing! No progress!

12 July 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Rallying Cry....Taking Stock....


Rallying Cry:


We're off to Committee again, this time at the Spittal "Jubilee Centre", Highcliffe, Berwick-Upon-Tweed. Mike Spark will be speaking on our behalf in opposition to the proposed replacement of the Old School with four inappropriate tall townhouses. Unfortunately, I shall not be there to support Mike on Thursday 20th July at 4 pm, as I have a prior pressing engagement. Hopefully, however, many of you will be able to travel to hear Mike defend our cause.


Taking Stock:


1. Our bid, placed on 8th June, to buy the site, known as Beadnell Green and being sold with Outline Planning Permission, has been predictably declined by Northumberland Estates. I am in contact with GVA, the property agents, who have informed me that negotiations with prospective buyers are still ongoing. I have kept our bid "live" as a fallback position, should NE not be satisfied with the tabled offers. I'll be keeping you all informed as things unfold.


2. Some success at last. Section 106 Agreements may have some teeth after all. Northumberland Estates have been forced to withdraw their application to add two extra units on a so-called 'vacant plot' at their Beadnell Point holiday village development. This 'vacant plot' was to be a wooded area, acting as a vital  buffer zone to its wetland area, protected by an S106, set up in 2011!


3. The Hellens Residential plan to build 52 houses to the west of The Wynding on the 'horse field' has been referred to Committee. At present, there are only 31 objections posted on the NCC Planning Portal. If you still have the energy for the fight, please log or post an objection to keep up the pressure.


Register/Login details are on our website under the tab 'Support Us'.


Direct link to: [17/01401/FUL] Erection of 52 dwellings on Land West of The Wynding, Beadnell NE67 5AY


25 June 2017    Beadnell Under Threat update - "..still a quart into a pint pot....."


Round 2: Demolition of Old School House [17/00968/FUL] (Amended) is up for discussion at the Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting this Wednesday 28th June at 6 pm (plans available for viewing from 5.30 pm) in the WI Hall. The proposal has been watered down slightly from six three-storey townhouses in two blocks of three to four detached 2?-storey townhouses. 


To squeeze 4 tall houses on to such a limited plot still points to nothing short of seeking to maximise profit from holiday lets. There would be no gardens to speak of and very little space for car standing and manoeuvring. Various grounds for objection spring to mind:


  • too many units within a small curtilage

  • still too tall, too imposing in its mass, density and unsympathetic design within village setting

  • balconies overlooking children's playground

  • sections of historic stone wall on Meadow Lane to be removed to afford vehicular access

  • possible need for extra parking on Meadow Lane which is extremely narrow

  • extra pressure on overstretched utilities, as already highlighted by Northumbrian Water in their consultee document posted on the Planning Portal (link below)


I have already been in contact with Neil Armstrong and Mark Ketley of NCC Planning Department to request that the imposition of the 'Beadnell' S106 agreement (as in [16/01688/OUT]) for 100% 'principal or sole' residency occupation clause be applied within the AONB. This would stop any increase in the number of units for holiday lets within the village.


Direct link to NCC Planning Website for [17/00968/FUL] Demolition of Old School House....​


There are two other proposed plans up for discussion at the same meeting:


1. Proposed change of use of disused garage to 1 bed holiday cottage at The Paddock, Benthall [17/02058/COU] - Direct link:


2. Ratification of BPC consultee document concerning Hellens/Arch 52-house development to west of The Wynding [17/01401/FUL], as discussed on 17th May - Direct link:



25 May 2017    BUT .......Let's buy the Duke's field....


Dear BUT supporters,




Together we can protect the field, known as Beadnell Green, for ever


The Duke and Northumberland Estates have put the 45-house site between Kennedy Green and Beadnell Point at Beadnell Green up for sale using GVA as their agent.


Sealed bids are requested by 14th June. 


  • I am organising a group of interested parties to make a bid in excess of £100,000 for the site with certain conditions attached. If our bid is successful, we would set up a trust "BUT4us" to ensure that no development or access by road across the site would be allowed in perpetuity. A restrictive covenant against residential development would protect the land which would retain its agricultural status for ever. At this stage there is no requirement for any funds up front. I have already received the backing of eleven contributors (£10,000 each). Each contributor will sign a promissory note (suggested minimum contribution £1,000). Only if our bid is accepted, will any money be required. To protect the value of our properties, retain our AONB field and "conserve and enhance" our village, it is well worth a punt. Prospective developers will be asking themselves why the Duke and NE, developers supreme, would walk away from this particular project. With the stringent conditions of the "Beadnell" S106 Agreement, guaranteeing permanent occupancy, they may well decide to join the walk-out. As a result, our bid may be the only one on the table.


  • If that is the case, I shall open discussions with the Duke with the intention of making an offer for the entire field, which he purchased in 2000 for £200,000. The poisoned chalice of the "Beadnell" S106 Agreement has now made the building of major developments in Beadnell much less lucrative, if not uneconomic. In view of this swing against the wanton expansion of the second home market, the Duke may well consider further development within the field is not a viable option. Having made his profit from Kennedy Green and Beadnell Point, he may be prepared to deal, safe in the knowledge that no competitor will benefit.


It seems to me that this is too good an opportunity to miss and should be taken with both hands. 


If you would like to make a contribution, please fill in the promissory note attached. I shall then contact you to confirm receipt and keep you informed as to the progress of our bid.


N.B. No money required unless our bid is successful.



20 May 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - In it to win it.... 


To quote Sir Winston Churchill in November 1942 after the first victory of WWII; "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."


 The Duke and Northumberland Estates have put the 45-house site between Kennedy Green and Beadnell Point at Beadnell Green up for sale using GVA as their agent.


Sealed bids are requested by 14th June. 


I am organising a group of interested parties to make a bid in excess of £100,000 for the site with certain conditions attached. If our bid is successful, we would set up a trust (temporary moniker 'BUT4us') to ensure that no development or access by road across the site would be allowed in perpetuity. A restrictive covenant against residential development would protect the land which would retain its agricultural status for ever.


At this stage there is no requirement for any funds up front. I have already received the backing of eleven contributors (£10,000 each). I shall ask each contributor to sign a promissory note (suggested minimum contribution £1,000) to guarantee their stated amount and put in our sealed bid for consideration. Only if accepted, will any money be required.


To protect the value of our properties, retain our AONB field and "conserve and enhance" our village, it is well worth a punt. Prospective developers will be asking themselves why the Duke and NE, developers supreme, would walk away from this particular project. With the stringent conditions of the "Beadnell" S106 Agreement, guaranteeing permanent occupancy, they may well decide to join the walk-out. As a result, our bid may be the only one on the table.


 If that is the case, I shall open discussions with the Duke with the intention of making an offer for the entire field, which he purchased in 2000 for £200,000. The poisoned chalice of the "Beadnell" S106 Agreement has now made the building of major developments in Beadnell much less lucrative, if not uneconomic. In view of this swing against the wanton expansion of the second home market, the Duke may well consider further development within the field is not a viable option. Having made his profit from Kennedy Green and Beadnell Point, he may be prepared to deal, safe in the knowledge that no competitor will benefit.


It seems to me that this is too good an opportunity to miss and should be taken with both hands. 


I look forward to your response. If you would like to meet me to discuss further details, I should be only too happy to oblige. 



19 May 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Second Front....


Now it's time to open up our second front, the Northern campaign, against Hellens and Arch, who wish to destroy the open aspect of the western approach to the village with a 52-house 'Beadnell New Town' development.


Up to 50 were in the WI Hall to support a unanimous objection by all including the Parish Council. Now it's our turn to log as many objections as possible on the NCC Planning Portal. In the campaign against the Duke's Northumberland Estates no less than 208 objections were logged with none in support. There are already 14 logged.


[A word of warning: The Planning Portal will be closed down between 5pm today, Friday, and 9am tomorrow morning.]


I have been asked to help by giving instructions as to how to register/log in along with the required planning points:






  • [17/01481/SCREEN] Request for environmental impact assessment screening option



14 May 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Hellens, the Arch Developer....


The BPC will be discussing, and hopefully rejecting, the Hellens and Arch proposal to build 52 houses on the 'horse field' west of The Wynding and north of Swinhoe Road. It is important that as many as possible attend this meeting to send out a clear signal that no more housing estates should blight the village.


Hellens Residential, a registered provider of affordable homes, and Arch, the wholly owned development arm of NCC, are using GVA, the largest independent commercial property agency in the UK, to push through this 'major' development within the protected Northumberland Coast AONB. In a recent twist of fate GVA has been commissioned by Northumberland Estates to sell (sealed bids by 14th June - advertisement attached) their site of 45 houses to the south of Swinhoe Road with approved outline planning permission [as predicted, 'Beadnell' S106 Agreement has ensured development is uneconomic for NE - ed.]


If Hellens/Arch/GVA win approval, no less than 97 dwellings for permanent occupancy would be added to our village. ACT NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!




3 May 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - R.I.P. Beadnell Lying in Estate....


As you drive over the crest of the B1340 to view the seaside village of Beadnell, expecting a peaceful, rural outlook over to the iconic spire of St Ebba's Church, you are about to be confronted by Beadnell New Town, a sprawling development of 52 houses in a field now bereft of horses.

Are these homes needed? No. Will these homes be of benefit to the community of Beadnell? No.

Last straw....

                        Final nail in coffin.....

                                                                        "Beadnell no more".......

                                                                                                                        Out, out, brief candle....


Wanton destruction of the Northumberland Coast AONB by yet another speculative developer.....

Stand up, be counted. Say, "No" to developers.

Date of Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting to be announced.


Direct links to NCC Planning Portal:




1 May 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - Stop the mARCH of the developers...


I have heard from Guy Renner-Thompson, our prospective Conservative County Councillor, that the Hellens/ARCH development plans for 52 houses in the horse-field to the north of Swinhoe Road, adjacent to the B1340 to Seahouses, are about to be put on the table.


I attach a piece about the way that ARCH, the wholly owned housing development arm of Northumberland County Council, work within our county. The chair of ARCH is a Labour County Councillor. If the Conservatives win a majority on the Council, they have promised to liquidate Arch as quoted by GR-T, "We will scrap the council's development company ARCH who have wasted millions of pounds on unpopular developments."


As Guy is on the side of BUT in our efforts to stop the 'MARCH of the Developers', one way to help our cause is to vote for him on Thursday, if you are on the electoral role for the Bamburgh Ward.



16 April 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - ...bare-faced cheek... 


Northumberland Estates (NE) have the bare-faced cheek to apply to add two holiday homes to Beadnell Point, the 40-house holiday development under construction.


But first some good news. The ridiculous plan for a 6-unit development of the Old School has been discarded by Ragu Sittambalam, the NCC Planning case officer. According to the AONB consultee comment on the Planning Portal, the planning officer has "requested a reduction in the scale of the proposal". John Woodman's strong letter of condemnation has had the desired effect. In addition, there was unanimous disapproval in the WI Hut last Wednesday. Some success at last!


Back to NE. This Wednesday at 6.30 pm in the WI Hut we convene once again to discuss and oppose NE's latest salvo. Their proposal is to replace a wooded area marked out on the original plan as part of the agreed landscaping to enhance the nature of the development. The removal of this wooded area would not only detract from the natural habitat but also add two more holiday homes, causing a further imbalance in the housing stock within the village (83% second homes/holiday lets). In the Indicative Master Plan of their approved 45-house development to the north of Beadnell Point there was a suggestion of an access route between the two sites, which would have utilised these two plots - cynical or what? I was told by Neil Armstrong, the case officer, that this proposed possible access route, as marked on the plan, was a mistake in the documents submitted by Ward Armstrong.


If, despite our objections, the two units are to be allowed, they should only be for permanent residents by imposing the condition of the "Beadnell" S106 Agreement to protect the village.


If you can, please come to the Beadnell Parish Council planning meeting this Wednesday (plans available to view from 6pm) to show your support and voice your concerns.



14 April 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - entering the political arena


You may have read in this week's edition of the Northumberland Gazette that Guy Renner-Thompson, our prospective Conservative County Councillor, was quoted in a single column giving his views on overdevelopment in Beadnell. In fact, he had submitted a stinging attack on Northumberland Labour Party policy for development and Arch, the NCC's wholly owned development arm. Guy has forwarded to me the entire text which he would like me to pass on to you for your information.


To help in our campaign to stop the wanton development of Beadnell in its tracks, I suggest you read Guy's attached deposition and put a cross against his name on your ballot papers. If elected to carry on in the forging footsteps of John Woodman, he will be an invaluable asset to our cause, as he is clearly not afraid to speak out in defence of our community.



9 April 2017    Beadnell Under Threat update - "..quart into a pint pot....." 


A planning application [17/00968/FUL] to demolish the Old School in Beadnell and replace it with no less than 6 three-storey townhouses (two blocks of three) has been lodged. It is to be considered by the Beadnell Parish Council this Wednesday 12th April at 6.30 pm (plans available for viewing from 6pm).


To squeeze 6 tall houses on to such a limited plot points to nothing short of seeking to maximise profit from holiday lets. There would be no gardens to speak of and very little space for car standing and manoeuvring. Various grounds for objection spring to mind:


  • too many units within a small curtilage

  • too tall and imposing in its mass and density

  • possible need for extra parking on Meadow Lane which is extremely narrow

  • extra pressure on overstretched utilities, as already highlighted by Northumbrian Water in their consultee document posted on the Planning Portal (link below)​​


I have already been in contact with Neil Armstrong and Mark Ketley of NCC Planning Department to request that the imposition of the 'Beadnell' S106 agreement for 100% 'principal or sole' residency occupation clause be applied within the AONB. This would stop any increase in the number of units for holiday lets within the village.


Please come to the meeting this Wednesday, show your support and voice your concerns.


Link to NCC Planning Website: and type 'Beadnell' into the search bar and click on 'Search'. This application: Demolition..... [17/00968/FUL]


3 March 2017    B.U.T. Update - We fight on.....


I have now received confirmation from Neil Armstrong that the Section 106 Agreement has been strengthened with the help of Neil Masson, the NCC legal officer, and Mark Ketley, the Enforcement Officer. The document has been scrutinised and approved by legal counsel and signed by the Duke’s legal representative, Colin Barnes, who spoke at Morpeth on behalf of Northumberland Estates.


The main changes suggested by Counsel are: â€‹

1)       To follow the St Ives model because that has made its way into a made Neighbourhood Plan;

2)       To introduce reference to a 6 months min lease/other arrangement because it is entirely reasonable to anticipate rentals of this type;

3)       To delete previous references to guests as unduly complicated and substitute instead general ref to invitees & visitors;

4)       To insert regulation over advertisement because it would be easy to enforce and tend to pre-empt the occurrence of breaches; and

5)       Tighten up the requirement in the St Ives model to keep and supply proof of compliance within a stated timeframe.

The NCC Legal team has also made specific reference to the dwellings not being occupied as a commercial holiday let. The occupancy restriction element is set out within section 4 on pages 18 -19 of the S106 in the attached final version. 


*On page 7 of the signed S106 attached there is now a definition of ‘Principal’.


As a result of the BUT campaign and other independent objectors, we should all remain hopeful that NE will not go ahead with this unwarranted and unwanted development. The stringent conditions imposed by the upgraded S106 should make it much more difficult for NE to sell homes as 'principal or sole' residences within the confines of the economic situation in the village.


In addition, Neil Armstrong has informed me of the next stage of the planning process before full approval is granted, which will delay the implementation of the development:


In terms of what happens next for the development, the recent decision granted outline permission with approval given for all matters other than appearance. Northumberland Estates, or another developer who may well take on the site, will therefore need to submit a Reserved Matters application within 3 years of the granting of the outline planning permission seeking approval of the appearance of the housing. This will be subject to a period of consultation and publicity with the Parish Council, neighbours and other consultees, in the same way as the previous application, before any decision is made.


If permission for the reserved matters is granted then the development would be subject to the approved plans and conditions attached to the grant of outline planning permission and reserved matters approval (including some information required by conditions to be submitted for approval prior to commencement of development or occupation of the dwellings), as well as the S106 agreement. For clarity the S106 would apply to development of the site by any developer, and not just Northumberland Estates. The development needs to be commenced before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the reserved matters.


I also attach a copy of the Decision Notice which includes a frontispiece written by Mark Ketley. Both documents can be found on the Planning Portal, links to which are on our website:



24 February 2017    Minutes of NCC Strategic Planning Meeting in Morpeth on 3rd January


Attached is a copy of the minutes of the meeting many of us attended in County Hall, Morpeth.


I shall keep you informed of any further developments. Details, useful links and further information can be found on our website:



16 February 2017    Update since Committee decision in Morpeth - Hope springs eternal.....


Since the decision/vote went against us on 3rd January, I have had a meeting with the main players in the implementation of any development. Present at the meeting were Neil Armstrong, the case officer, Neil Masson, the county solicitor, and Mark Ketley, the s.106 enforcement officer, along with John Woodman, our County Councillor. My purpose was to tie up any possible loose ends in the s.106 Agreement to ensure that the document was water-tight enough to avoid any legal challenge by Northumberland Estates. By the end of the meeting I was confident that all will be done to ensure that only 'principal' residences will be permitted. On the Planning Portal the status is given as: Awaiting Decision. Dare we hope that the conditions of the s.106 are so draconian that, in the context of Beadnell, the development may well be shelved for the time being? 


I assured Mark Ketley, the enforcement officer, that I have set up a Beadnell Task Force, numbering two at present, to help him monitor the roll-out of the s.106 Agreement and ensure the implementation of its promise on behalf of the villagers.


 As far as the 'Hellens' development to the north of Swinhoe Road is concerned, I was assured that a red line has already been drawn in the sand by the Planning Authority. The same s.106 Agreement will be a basic requirement and guarantee 'principal' residences in any development.


On 10th February four members of the Beadnell Parish Council had a meeting with the same players to discuss historical  breaches of planning protocol within the village and seek assurances that the s.106 would be enforced in such a way as to guarantee a zero tolerance policy with regard to second homes/holiday lets.


The end result of both meetings should be that Beadnell will be protected from further wanton development. Any more expansion will be controlled and will have to redress the balance in favour of 'principal' residences and put a stop to the building of new second homes/holiday lets.


I shall keep you informed of any further developments. Details and further information can be found on our website.


22 January 2017    Not a cat in Hellens.......  


Monday 23rd January between 3.45 pm and 6.45 pm in the W.I. Hall in Beadnell


Hellens, the speculative developer, will try to persuade us that Beadnell needs another 55 houses.  At present their proposal is still at the pre-planning stage.  If we display our total opposition to their proposal, it is possible that Hellens will walk away without even putting in an official planning application. They will be aware that Northumberland Estates have been granted permission to build 45 houses, all to be ‘principal or sole residences’, to the south of Swinhoe Road. How on earth will Hellens be able to sell a further 55 to the north?


Our mantra must be:


Plan A – No More Houses


Pan B – No More Houses


To sum up – Not a cat in Hellens chance of any more houses in Beadnell.



12 January 2017    Here we go again!


As predicted in my first flyer way back in early summer, Hellens, the developer, has now made its intentions clear about its proposed development of 55 houses to the north of Swinhoe Road.


As this is a 'PRE-APP' application, there are no documents available on the NCC Planning Portal. I have attached the Hellens flyer posted throughout Beadnell, informing us of the "community consultation" to be held on Monday 23rd January between 3.45 pm and 6.45 pm in the W.I. Hall in Beadnell.


From our experience what has happened to the south of Swinhoe Road, it is vital to voice all our concerns about needless, excessive building at the very outset of negotiations. The proposed total has now been raised  to 100 dwellings!


We must once again stand united in the face of yet another 'speculative developer'.


I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

​ will continue to be updated with information about both major developments in Beadnell. Further action is already under way to thwart Northumberland Estates to the south - details to follow in due course. For the present, we must focus on the northern front.



7 January 2017    Beadnell Under Threat - not dead yet,


You may have heard on the grapevine that we lost the first skirmish at Committee on 3rd January. Northumberland Estates (NE) may have won but it is something of a Pyrrhic victory.


How will they be able to deliver the undeliverable - permanent residency in Beadnell, particularly in three- and four-bedroom houses, as "principal" residences?


This case has set a legal precedent - 100% permanent residency throughout the development 'in perpetuity'. The "Beadnell case" may become case law.


Our job is to ensure that NE deliver what they have promised or they will have to walk away from the entire development. We shall focus on applying the pressure implied by the County Councillors' questions at Committee. They were not convinced that NE can deliver the S106 as agreed.


Our attack shall be focused on four key personnel: Neil Armstrong, the case officer; Neil Masson, the County Solicitor, who was seated on the Chairman's left; Mark Kelley, on his right, the newly appointed S106 Monitoring Officer ( a new appointment as a direct result of this case to ensure the NCC  from now on will be able to enforce S106s); and NE who are legally "bound" by the Duke's signature on this historic Section 106 Agreement.


We shall be writing to these protagonists to let them know that we shall hold them to account and expect them to hold fast to the promise made in front of the citizens of Beadnell. Our aim is to force a face-to-face meeting, discuss their options and method of delivery of the conditions imposed and demand guarantees of fulfilment of the permanent residency clause. Let there be no misunderstanding. If we do not receive assurances that this S106 can be carried out to the letter, let them know that the Nation is watching to see, in the words of Ben O'Connell in the Northumberland Gazette on 5th January, whether this historic case is an "example for the future or (an) exercise in futility".


NE must not be allowed to get away with winning this case under false pretences. Otherwise, it will be time to unleash the Hounds of Hell!




2 Jan 2017   Beadnell Under Threat DDay 03/01/17  


Dear All,


Our DDay, Decision Day , has arrived. The fate of Beadnell hangs in the balance.


I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the Council Chamber in Morpeth tomorrow afternoon at 2pm.


Seats are available on the coach leaving the Sea Breeze Shop at 12.30 pm for FREE!


Talia iacta est (Julius Caesar on crossing the Long Nanny??)


Carpe diem!

31 Dec 2016   Beadnell Under Threat Rallying Cry


What have we achieved in 2016? How far have we come? What success have we had?


  • 206 objectors on the website, of which 122 are local residents, and no supporters​


  • The access road has been repositioned nearer to the gardens below Swinhoe Road thus preventing any building in between


  • Northumberland Estates (NE) have been backed into a dark corner from which they may not be able to escape. They have been forced to promise 100% residential homes 'in perpetuity' to satisfy "exceptional circumstances" and "in the public interest", a necessary condition as stated in the NPPF Para 116. This is reliant upon a robust Section 106 Agreement to be signed by the Duke of Northumberland (copy to be found dated 20th December on the Planning Portal - first website link given below)


  • NE will find it so difficult, if not impossible, to sell the 32 three- and four-bedroom units as permanent residences. No school, lack of supporting infrastructure and local jobs will deter most, if not all, interested parties. The end result may just be that they shelve the development citing adverse economic conditions. Thus, they will not have lost face at this committee stage, if granted 'approval', as they will have won their case. In the long run, however, we shall have lost this battle but won the war!


2016 has seen two examples of unexpected and momentous voting patterns, namely Brexit and Trump. We need to turn out in sufficient force in Morpeth to 'encourage' a volte-face by the County Councillors which would give us the winning vote. Not only would this kick off a wonderful 2017 for Beadnell but also send shock waves throughout Northumberland.


The date for our case [16/01688/OUT] to be heard is Tuesday 3rd January 2017. It will take place at County Hall, Morpeth at 2pm.


Our case will be spearheaded by Nicola Allan, of Trinity Chambers, whose strongly worded letter of objection can be read on the planning portal - 'Documents' - under the entry "Dilston House Cottage", dated 29th November (use first link below). She will be backed up by Carole Field. The Beadnell Parish Council will also be using their five-minute slot to state their opposition to this outline planning application.


You can find Neil Armstrong's officer report 'Committee Report', dated 30th December, on the Planning Portal (first link below) and on the Committee website documents (second link below)


All details, update emails, links to the Planning Portal and Committee Agenda etc., as below, and other interesting facts, including 'a heartfelt plea to the Duke of Northumberland' can be found on our website.




Overview of all documents available to councillors:


At this public meeting it is vital that as many of us as possible turn up to apply moral pressure upon County Councillors on the Planning Committee, who will be the ones to decide either to approve or reject this application. A huge turnout would demonstrate both the depth of our feeling and the strength of our case.


One generous contributor has funded a 49-seater Travelsure Coach to take any supporters to Morpeth, leaving the Sea Breeze shop at 12.30 pm. If you would like to take up this generous offer of transport, please email me back as soon as possible to book your place(s).


If you would like to support our cause by adding to the growing list of contributors with any donations towards our campaign expenses, please contact me for further details.


Now is the time to act before it is too late!

15 Dec 2016


Dear All,


The date for our case [16/01688/OUT] to be heard has been set as Tuesday 3rd January 2017. It will take place at County Hall, Morpeth at 2pm.


One generous contributor has funded a 49-seater Travelsure Coach to take any supporters to Morpeth, leaving the Sea Breeze shop at 12.30 pm. If you would like to take up this generous offer of transport, please email me back as soon as possible to book your place(s).


At this public meeting it is vital that as many of us as possible turn up to apply moral pressure upon County Councillors on the Planning Committee, who will be the ones to decide either to approve or reject this application. A huge turnout would demonstrate both the depth of our feeling and the strength of our case. If not travelling on the coach, please make your own arrangements.


Our case will be spearheaded by Nicola Allan, of Trinity Chambers, whose strongly worded letter of objection can be read on the planning portal - 'Documents' - under the entry "Dilston House Cottage", dated 29th November (use first link below). She will be backed up by Carole Field. The Beadnell Parish Council will also be using their five-minute slot to state their opposition to this outline planning application.


There are now 196 objections logged on the planning portal. We are so close to our target of 200! Keep objecting and persuading others to do the same.


All details, update emails, links to the Planning Portal and Committee Agenda etc., as below, and other interesting facts, including 'a heartfelt plea to the Duke of Northumberland' can be found on our website.




Overview of information available to councillors:


If you would like to support our cause by adding to the growing list of contributors with any donations towards our campaign expenses, please contact me for further details.

28 Nov 2016


Dear All,


There are now 187 objections logged on the planning portal. A great target before Committee would be 200! Keep objecting and persuading others to do the same.


All details and other interesting facts can be found on our website:


An update on the third and final Beadnell Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th November to discuss the minor amendments made by Northumberland Estates (NE) as their last throw of the dice. So desperate are they to get the access road built to facilitate further development that they have moved the goalposts of the s.106 Agreement from 60% to 100% permanent residents, though actually not stated as such, and extended the time limit from six to twelve months.


 As I argued at the meeting, the nine social/'affordable' houses will probably fulfil the terms of the agreement and ensure permanent residents. In addition, the four earmarked as two-bedroom houses might go to retirees as permanent residents. The remaining 32, however, will not sell to permanent residents in Beadnell as they are of three- and four- bedroom design. No school, no services, weak infrastructure and no jobs will not support families who need to fund mortgages. Travelling to school and work will increase the carbon footprint of the village. What will happen to these uninhabited 32 dwellings? After the twelve month period has elapsed NE will have permission from NCC to sell these houses on the open market as second homes/holiday lets, which, as we all know well, has become the default position in Beadnell. NE know this, as the economic situation will dictate the terms. Frothy/scary stock markets, feeble bond/annuity rates and zero savings returns are pushing the wealthy to use property as a depository for their wealth and pension provision. Even if the s.106 Agreement were to be 'in perpetuity', it would still not protect the village.


Beadnell provides a well-known premium on second home values. As a result, rather than 'building our way out of the problem', as is an oft heard quote, Beadnell would reinforce its position at the top of the second home table with well above the present 80-85% preponderance - a ludicrous developer-inflicted situation. It would mean needless, wanton destruction of the Northumberland Coast AONB in the interests of a powerful developer. There are simply no "exceptional circumstances" and it is certainly not "in the public interest"; both vital conditions required to warrant this major development, if NPPF Para 116 planning guidelines are not to be flouted.


In the end Jennifer Hall was the only councillor to vote in favour of the application. She reverted to her position at the first of the three planning meetings. The main reason for her decision to revert was the perceived bonus of 100% permanent residency clause in the revised s. 106 Agreement, even though I had stated categorically earlier in the meeting that this revision would not work in the Beadnell situation. The majority of 3-1 against carried the day. We were assured by the Chairman that the BPC would use their five-minute slot at Committee to oppose the application.


At the Committee hearing at County Hall, Morpeth, our case will be spearheaded by Nicola Allan, of Trinity Chambers, and backed up by Carole Field.



The next phase of the campaign takes us all to County Hall in Morpeth where our case, spearheaded by Nicola Allan, of Trinity Chambers, will be put before Committee.


Venue: County Hall, Morpeth


Date: Tuesday 20th December or Tuesday 3rd January


Time: 2 pm


At this public meeting it is vital that as many of us as possible turn up to apply moral pressure upon County Councillors on the Planning Committee who will decide the fate of our case. A huge turnout would demonstrate both the depth of our feeling and the strength of our case.


In order to facilitate the logistics of this operation, I shall be making arrangements to book a Travelsure Coach to transport supporters from Beadnell Sea Breeze shop to County Hall in Morpeth.


The price for the round trip will be £5 + any donations towards the cost. One generous supporter has donated £50 to the fund.

15 Nov 2016


This is it. The endgame is here. The final Beadnell Parish Council planning meeting to discuss the outline planning application for 45 houses and an access across Beadnell Green to the south of Swinhoe Road [16/01688/OUT]  will be held at 6.30 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, 16th November in the WI Hall.


It is vital as many of us turn up as possible to ensure that we show the Parish Council we are fully committed to the cause as they should be. At the second planning meeting they voted unanimously to reject the application. As there is no major difference to the overall plans, there should be no change to their position. Logged on 14th October, the alignment of the road has been slightly moved to help with traffic calming and there have been minor adjustments made within the curtilage of the site, neither of which improve Northumberland Estates' case.


More news about our campaign and its future direction will be announced at the planning meeting tomorrow evening.


I hope to see you all there, if you can make it.

12 Nov 2016


Firstly, news of yet another Beadnell Parish Council (BPC) meeting this Wednesday 16th November at 6.30 pm in the WI Hut to discuss and vote on the Northumberland Estates’ Outline planning application [16/01688/OUT] for 45 houses and access road across Beadnell Green, south of Swinhoe Road and Kennedy Green. The good news is that all of our efforts, through meetings, objections and favourable press coverage, have forced Northumberland Estates to amend their plans a third time in order to try and wriggle their way around NCC. Their new ruse is to extend the S106 Agreement to 12 months and 100% permanent occupancy, which we all know will not work in Beadnell. Failure to sell with that condition in place will mean release from the binding clause and yet more second homes/holiday lets as in all past experience. We must keep up the pressure to ensure the BPC, knowing the depth of our feelings and strength of our argument, stick to their last decision and continue to oppose the plans unanimously.


Secondly, with the help of a supporter, I have procured the services of Nicola Allan of Trinity Chambers to act on our behalf. As a specialist in planning law, she will compose a professional all-encompassing objection and spearhead our case before Committee at County Hall in Morpeth. Many of you will know of her sterling work and success rate in defending Green Belt/AONB areas of Newcastle and Northumberland. She may well be second to none in the county and a game-changer for us.


With Nicola on board we have progressed to the next level of our campaign. To keep up the momentum, please persuade your friends and fellow supporters to log or write an objection. On the planning portal we are up to 168 objectors from 127 a week ago!  See our website for progress and updates – – where full details and easy-to-follow instructions can be found.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Wednesday evening to forward our cause.


9 Nov 2016


Dear All,


I should like to update you on the situation, the progress of our campaign and the new website.


First of all, thank you to the 'scores of residents' who came to our meeting.


On Saturday 29th October, Carole Field and I joint-chaired a well attended meeting in the W.I. Hall. Ben O'Connell of the Northumberland Gazette was invited and he has written an excellent article in this Thursday's edition. The link is :


At the meeting I announced that this outline application has been referred to the Planning Committee in County Hall, Morpeth, where the final decision will be made by the fifteen County Councillors, one of whom is John Woodman, our councillor and, more importantly, chair of the AONB. Committee Meetings Link for dates and agenda etc.:


At that Committee Meeting it is vital that Neil Armstrong, the Case Officer, recommends refusal. We have a strong case, summed up as follows:

  • Major development within Northumberland Coast AONB - Paragraphs 114, 115 and 116 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). There are no "exceptional circumstances" to warrant the flouting of Para 116, as there is no "need for the development" and it is not "in the public interest".

  • Sustainability - the infrastructure and utilities are at full stretch already and the village cannot sustain any increase in development. There are no realistic jobs within the locality, no school and few amenities. Further development would simply increase the transport overload and the carbon footprint that would defy the stated climate change targets.

  • The S106 Agreement, recently amended to ensure sales solely to permanent residents, is to last only 12 months. This is doomed to failure, as in so many previous cases. After the year is up, a mere hiccough in building terms, the developer will apply to the NCC to be released from the S106 and sell the houses on the open market which will fail to protect the village from yet more second homes being added to their 80% + preponderance.

  • Huge opposition within the village and beyond is highlighted by 133 objections so far on Planning Portal. There will be a detrimental effect on the character of the "village".


It is vital to show Neil Armstrong the depth of our feelings and the strength of our case and thus persuade him to recommend a refusal.


The most effective action is for as many as possible to log or write an individual "public comment" objection. At present, 133 of us have logged objections.


Please log or write as soon as you can to help us in our cause. I attach full instructions on how to log or write your objections (you are allowed to log more than one, but each person counts as only one objector).


Please send me your name and address, including postcode, to be added to our petition - if you have not already done so.


Finally, we now have a website on which to coordinate our efforts. All the above links and more are posted. Please visit it and communicate your thoughts. The link is:


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