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Important Dates


MARCH 2024

Monday 18 March 2024 5-6pm The Landing

NWL drop-in meeting about drainage problems - all welcome

Adam from NWL will be explaining plans to end the ‘tankering’ of excess surface water to relieve frequent flooding from the Wetlands, both a temporary arrangement and a more permanent solution.


Thursday 21 March 2024 2pm at Berwick Leisure Centre TD15 2AS

The Landing at Committee

[23/01710/FUL] Erection of a single storey side extension clad in larch as well as 8no. eco-pods embedded within the ground covered with coastal grass species. 4no. single storey double timber-frame cabins and 3no. timber enterprise kiosks and associated car park facility with associated and external ground works. (amended description 14.11.23) | The Landing Benthall Beadnell Chathill Northumberland NE67 5FD

The Local Area (North Northumberland) Planning committee will be hearing the case for The Landing expansion. Beadnell Parish Council will be speaking against the proposals.

Link for the Case Officer’s report (unavailable on the Planning Portal) on page 11:


Wednesday 27 March - Beadnell Parish Council meeting 6pm - application to be discussed, comments in person or sent to the clerk allowed

Another shot at the Extra Two in Bernicia Way

[24/00672/FUL] Erection of 2no. residential dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure | Land East Of 21 Bernicia Way Bernicia Way Beadnell Northumberland

New full application for two extra large houses, one four-bed and one five-bed all en-suite, has been lodged. Northumberland Estates has sold the two additional plots in the essential Buffer Zone next to the Wetlands Pond at the rear of the holiday estate with planning consent for matching ‘primary residence’ dwellings [18/01036/FUL].

Link to [24/00672/FUL] to log an objection:



Thursday 28 March 2024 6pm at the Adult Learning Centre, Lindisfarne Road, Alnwick NE66 1AX

“Safety at Swinhoe” petition

John Rhind has been working indefatigably to persuade all concerned that a roundabout should be the preferred option at the infamous Swinhoe Crossroads to slow traffic and aid all-round visibility. Backed up by 1000+ signatories, multiple press releases and FOI requests, John will have five minutes to address the assembled councillors and persuade them to act in the interests of the whole community. Be there to support him, if you can.


30 Dec 2022   Beadnell Under Threat - The Kilns on view + updates
The Kilns 45-house estate, being built by Northumberland Estates for “principal occupancy only”, will be open for a public viewing of the first phase on Friday 30th December 2022.

Bradley Hall (Alnwick Estate Agents) will be hosting the Open Day with mulled wine and mince pies between 10am and 4pm.
Prices have continued to rise owing to demand. For example, the Edwin 4-bed detached on plot 6 started at £395,000, rose to £515,000 in Feb 2022 and is now £570,000. Top-priced Oswald 4-bed detached at £690,000 is part of the second phase.

NCC Director of Planning to give training session in Beadnell

As promised, Rob Murfin, Head of NCC Planning, will be revisiting Beadnell to give a training session.
Please take this opportunity to come and learn about the planning process.
WI Hall 6.30-7.30 pm Wednesday 3rd August 2022



BBC ONE Inside Out (North East and Cumbria) next week focuses on housing in our Neighbourhood Plan area of Beadnell, Bamburgh and Seahouses, featuring Policy 14, which restricts new-builds to permanent occupancy only.

Programme: BBC ONE Inside Out (North East and Cumbria)
Date: Monday 4th March 2019 at 7.30 pm

 The programme will be available on BBC iPlayer for the following 30 days.

On Tuesday 5th March 2019 the long-awaited Local Plan for the whole of Northumberland is on view in Seahouses.
Venue: Sports and Community Centre (The Hub), Stone Close, NE68 7YL
Date: Tuesday 5th March 2019 between 2pm and 7pm


North Northumberland Local Area Council Meeting


Decision on the plans proposed to add two houses to Beadnell Point


Address of venue: Spittal "Jubilee Centre", HIGHCLIFFE, Spittal, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, TD15 2JL
Date: Thursday 19th July 2018 at 3 pm.

Direct links:
• Link to Committee Meeting Agenda at the Spittal "Jubilee Centre", Highcliffe, Spittal, Berwick-Upon-Tweed on Thursday 19th July at 3 pm:



To find Beadnell Point 'referral document' item on committee agenda, click on item: 07
Land East of 21 Bernicia Way, Beadnell


• Link to Beadnell Point application to view documents and comments logged:






Date: THURSDAY 24th MAY 2018 7am - 10pm

All residents on the electoral roll in Beadnell, Seahouses and Bamburgh are eligible to vote.


Northumberland Gazette (10/05/18) on page 5 under the headline - Coastal plan going out to referendum - Andy Brown of Beadnell Under Threat is quoted as saying:

"The crucial elements of our Neighbourhood Plan, that will preserve the integrity of our coastal communities, are the designated Settlement Boundaries and Policy 14 to ensure permanent occupancy of all new-builds. A "Yes" vote in the Referendum would not only effect a positive outcome to planning regulations but also demonstrate a united front against the march of the developers."


The leading article of the same  Gazette also deals with "The scourge of second homes along the coastline"


and on page 5 the theme continues with "Village survey reveals extent of holiday lets".



The North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan (NNCNP)  is our best defence until 2032, so persuade everyone you know in all three communities to vote "YES"




NNCNP (Beadnell, Bamburgh and Seahouses) and scroll down to 'North Northumberland Coastal Area:


For reference to historic s106 permanent occupancy restriction read Northumberland Gazette (5 Jan 2017): "Permanent homes restriction: Example for the future or exercise in futility?"



Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting

[17/01401/FUL] Amended Plan - Erection of 52 dwellings on Land West of The Wynding, Beadnell NE67 5AY


Direct link to "Proposed Site Plan" dated 24th January:

Where: WI Hall Beadnell
When: Wednesday 7th February 2018 at 6.00 pm (Doors open and plans on view from 5.30 pm)


North Northumberland Local Area Council Meeting

Committee Meeting Poster

Decision on the plans proposed for the Old School House, Beadnell 


Where: Jubilee Centre, Highcliffe, Spittal, Berwick-Upon-Tweed

When: 20 July 2017 at 4 pm 



Beadnell Parish Council Planning Meeting 

[17/01401/FUL] Erection of 52 dwellings on Land West of The Wynding, Beadnell NE67 5AY

Where: WI Hut, Beadnell

When: 17 May 2017 at 6.30 pm (Plans on view from 6 pm)



Hellens Group Community Consultation 

Proposed development of 55 houses to the north of Swinhoe Road

Where: WI Hut, Beadnell

When: 23rd January 2017 between 3.45 and 6.45 pm

Hellens Group Flyer 



Planning Committee Meeting

County Councillors will be asked to make a final decision on PLAN [16/01688/OUT] 

Where: County Hall, Morpeth 

When: 3 Jan 2017 at 2 pm


More information about the meeting can be found under Email Updates. 

Nicola Allan's Profile: â€‹â€‹

Application Details:

Overview of information available to councillors:



Beadnell Parish Council Meeting 

The council will discuss and vote on the Northumberland Estates' outline planning application [16/01688/OUT] for 45 houses and access road across Beadnell Green. 

Where: WI, Beadnell

When: 16 Nov 2016 at 6.30 pm




Beadnell Under Threat Meeting

Public meeting regarding 45 houses and access road on Beadnell Green

Where: WI, Beadnell

When: 29 Oct 2016 at 11.30 am


North Northumberland Local Area Council Meeting

Committee Meeting Poster

Decision on the plans proposed for the Old School House, Beadnell 


Where: Jubilee Centre, Highcliffe, Spittal, Berwick-Upon-Tweed

When: 20 July 2017 at 4 pm

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